How much fun can we have with a loading screen?


  1. Jesus Jim, that intro. You’ve called us some nasty things, but, Jesus.

  2. I think they used Google translate for that description.

  3. The main problem with this game is that it [LOADING COMMENT. 65% COMPLETE]

  4. I’ve been called worse.

  5. Jim is all the most require. He do the think thinking for me so I do not had to thinking.

  6. Pixelated Rainbow

    I swear to god, your intros always throw me off. No matter how many of your Jimpressions I watch, i’ll always have to pause your video right after the intro just to give me time to comprehend what you said.

  7. Basically an anal creampie in reverse

  8. I’m on the cock right now

  9. >narcotics
    >black and white


  10. 6:24 I would have imagined you were on one of those inflatable bouncy balls with the dildo up on top to sit on. It’d be good for your core and also feel divine.

  11. For that long time of loading, it felt like it was installing malware or a bitcoin miner in background… lol

  12. I paused a podcast about the history of Rome to watch this.

  13. Alex Everett-last

    Narcotics black and white. To get the game in colour you’ll need to purchase the DLC.

  14. Grzegorz Kalinski

    I think it’s a VR game. It’s not a loading bar, it’s a virtual line of cocaine you need to snort.

  15. “The most dangerous anti-social plan” sounds like something a Communist government would say about an insurgency against them.

  16. This game is too deep. It’s a metaphor for how drug addiction can put progress in your life on hold indefinitely.

  17. “Thinking to think” Deep.

  18. Debated Nothing

    “Roses are red, violets are blue, the title’s in English, the game should be too.”

  19. Wait, Release date 10th June 2017, WTF. Time Machine?

  20. BigFuriousGamer

    I’ve never been more entertained by watching a loading screen ever.

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