BUCKSHOT ROULETTE, a tabletop horror game that boldly reinvents the chilling tradition of Russian Roulette. Say goodbye to the conventional revolver and brace yourself for a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun, amplifying the stakes and introducing unique mechanics that redefine the deadly game of chance. Will you dare to face the consequences…

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Game Theory: Watch This Backwards To Release The Devil (Trombone Champ)

Grab a starter deck yourselves on April 28th & check out the in-person tournaments happening across the world ► https://battlespirits-saga.com/events/organized-play/launch-event/2023/ Loyal Theorists, today we discuss one of the year’s most important games. One that FUNDAMENTALLY changed my life, and I know it will change yours… Trombone Champ. The seemingly silly…

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Steam Isn’t Fine: Indie Game Performs 20 Times Better On Switch Than Steam

The Nintendo Switch is becoming the indie platform of choice while Steam Direct has turned Valve’s storefront into a choked mess where games go to fail. Source article: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2018/03/16/blossom-tales-developers-avoid-closing-thanks-to-switch-sales-after-poor-steam-showing.aspx Source image for Steam releases: https://u.cubeupload.com/0TCFhm.jpg

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