This is… a thing.


  1. certainly better than the average early access steam title 🙂 though i suppose thats not saying much lol

  2. Is this the most unintentionally hilarious game ever or am I a piece of shit?

  3. This is the greatest game ever made. Bonus points for a game with “simulator”
    In the title that actually sort of simulates something

  4. This is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen

  5. At least as good as Breath of the Wild.

  6. So this basically a joke version of Total War videos that have things like 1000 Romans vs 300 Spartans.

    And works… XD

  7. Many will sing tales of your noble victory over the mighty Chicken Army

  8. This could really become a great game with some serious development. I hope they’re able to finish it and realize the game’s potential.

  9. Somatic Apparition

    I’m fucking crying with laughter Jim, holy fuck i’m buying this game

  10. Please make 400 more videos on this game. I could watch you play it for years.

  11. sir we are surrounded
    good we can fire in every direction

  12. Well at least this has more artistic cohesion than a digital homicide game.

  13. For Honor: the Good Edition.

  14. Seems the devs went to some effort for this “game”.. a lot of the hard stuff, like programming the masses has been done. Just needs some meat on the bone and it could turn out to be quite fun… especially as a multiplayer game.

  15. Strange, didn’t see Cornflake Homunculus in the Fantasy options. Must be an oversight by the devs…

  16. One of my gaming dreams is a AoE like game, but you can posses individual units and interact with the enviroment (take cover, enter buildings/castles to defend or make ambushes and other war tatics).
    This isnt it, but the little light of hope in my heart have been litten. Or i am having a heart attack…

  17. I was really hoping the knights would just yell DEUS VULT over and over

  18. This could be one of the greatest gambling games ever. Grab your friends, place your bets on 500 chickens vs. 20 Orks vs. 2 zombies, have some fucking fun.

  19. Now *this* is a proper Slaughtering Ground.

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