CHIMPOLOGY – First Chimpressions

It’s the core of a good idea with no apple around it.

I could have made a metaphor with banana skins but I couldn’t be bothered.


  1. I just got an ad for cartoon network in this video.

  2. Aaron Sokolowski

    The reason your audience is old enough to remember the 80s and 90s is because the younger people are too busy making all the shit games you encounter and/or having shit fits about things like NMS. Consider it a blessing, my friend.

    We also very much appreciate the fact you don’t pander to us to provide us with such great content.

  3. BrightBulb Photography

    Poor Jim. He’s got a geriatric fan base. 😀

    ….. Oh..Wait… :/

  4. びんびんごはんケーキー

    The beginning sounds like some sorta script brazzers threw out and Jim happened to pick it up.

  5. Chimp Sterling

  6. but,…where’s all the porn?

  7. So jim didnt recognise the McPixel game image? Thats a game you should check out Jim. Very odd and fun.

  8. Number lock foiled Jim

  9. I’d rather you have an older demographic, than act like PewDiePie.

  10. **hits giant blunt** … I’ve got an idea. Let’s make a game about just pressing zeros and ones, but it ignores all the zero and one keys on your keyboard. All of them! And lets have you playing as a monkey. Yeah man, that’s deep. **takes another hit**

  11. Title is suspiciously close to that of the Cyriak video “chimpnology”.

  12. It doesn’t matter what narrative spin they put on it, this “game” is basically a job: its called data entry.
    Unless there’s a frog-fractions-esque surprise in there somewhere, it looks about as mind-numbing as data entry too.
    (and they even got the theme wrong: everyone knows that data entry jobs pay peanuts not bananas)

  13. This has an achievement to play it for 8 hours a day for 5 days in a row…

  14. Seems like a game for Karl Pilkington

  15. I wanted to do a version of this where you start out alternating between two keys in a fixed rhythm; every 16 ‘beats’ it would add additional keys that you had to hit, with each key corresponding to different sounds.
    Thus you’d start out with an elementary drum beat and wind up playing out an entire synthcore track, with the in-game context being that every button corresponded to running and operating a cross between a steampunk mecha and a giant bipedal pipe organ.
    Would anyone want to pay $0.50 for three levels worth of that?

  16. I’m 24 and still remember dial up modems. I also remember not being able to make a phone call and be on the Internet at the same time. Also AOL, I remember that.

  17. This is one of the games made by crazy indies to troll people coming to indie boths on Polish conventions. Plyed Chimpology next to Sleeping in Work Simulator game, which had pillow as controller and other people having to “wake you up” when something happened on the screen. And in earlier years crazy games were about smashing the shit out of keyboards (lots of broken keyboards at the end of third day) and some kind of roguelike where screen was black and the only way you were able to see whats going on is by using printer to print the current game state.

    This is one of their least crazy ideas. Good for a 5 minute play with friends in the booth though.

  18. The sad thing is pictures still load for me like this, I have awful Internet

  19. I’m 17 so . . . one young flower in your garden

  20. Who is the redhead at 14:55? For research.

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