BLOOD FEED – Achivement Unlocked And Unlocked And Unlocked And…

This game gave me so many achievements it broke. Now *that’s* an achievement!


  1. When will you review games that don’t make me puke, daddy?

  2. Achevements and trophies are the bane of completionists.

  3. Hey Jim, remember E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy?

    That’s the only game that’s allowed to get away with countless achievements, I’m sure you’ll agree.

  4. Over 3000 achievements total, the rarest one had been unlocked by 80%, the most common one by 91%. Welp.

  5. Is this from the same guy as the one behind the zombie train… thing? If so, he’s gotten better with mob density and distribution… and worse at achievements.

  6. Unmitigated Disaster

    This game isn’t good by any stretch… but the over the top exploding death animations for the enemies is kind of endearing.

  7. This was the most fun I’ve had with one of your plays in a long while, too bad it was so brief. I tend to like the videos where you are obviously entertained, regardless of how toss the game may be. Also, constantly yelling “blood feed” helps too.

  8. For once a somewhat fun game

  9. *Jim saying positive things considering the early access of the game*
    *Game Crashes*


  10. best blood effects ever


    You may have crashed the game but

    you can never be an elephant.

  12. With a bit of polish that could pass as a fun arcade shooter!

  13. This video actually makes a very good point. Even if you’re using assets or your visual quality is low, you can still make a fun game.

  14. “This is actually alright”

    Ah, sad times Jim. You’ve slogged through so much shit that the brain damage has set in.

    Although, I guess after Life of Black Tiger even licking a dogs arsehole would seem like a half decent game.

  15. New game: Google what ever Jim calls us at the beginning of each episode.
    See what comes up.

  16. I love how into it Jim is!

  17. This looks like a high effort asset flip.

  18. Jim: This is actually quite OK.
    Game: THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY ABOUT ME?!? **crashes**

  19. kinda seems like a low quality serious sam

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