Affliction x Forest Escape Double Edition Super Turbo Deluxe

Two games for the price of something that would probably be more enjoyable!


  1. Affliction will return in Affliction: Sewer Assault.

    Coming soon. Like tomorrow maybe.

  2. My God. I just now noticed that that forest repeat itself. Author haven’t even tried to randomize tree placement.

  3. Thank you for checking out the game! Affliction is in Early Access and we have a lot of plans for more content. We’ll be bug fixing and improving on it as much as we can. We’re aware it has issues and plan to fix them over the course of development. This is our first FPS game so it won’t be perfect, but we hope when it is finished it’ll at least be enjoyable.

    Thanks again for checking it out.

  4. The load bar being slightly off-center from the instruction text is the most aggravating thing about the game. :/

  5. Man, Call of Duty World War II looks really good

  6. wasnt that the world at war zombies sound effect?

  7. You’re talking about Into The Dead. The sequel came out on mobile earlier this month.

  8. if the trees are getting denser, doesnt that mean you are running INTO the forest not escaping it? lol

  9. That looks like the Great Forest from Oblivion minus all the monsters and quests.

  10. I actually identify as a underachieving sex turtle!

  11. I like how in the first game, Jim shot a guy dead and immediately started laughing.

  12. It looks like Steam Direct still isn’t keeping shitty games off the storefront lmao

  13. I’m waiting for the new steam (early access of course) called ‘Jesus Wept!’. Where you have to wipe the disappointing tears of Jesus with a silk hanky and lament your life choices.

  14. I can’t believe that Forest game. Thats horrible, boring and ugly.

  15. Re’ Forest Escape’ – in 1983 a game called Deathchase was released for the Sinclair Spectrum which could run on the 16K Ram Speccy. 16K ram, in 1983.. and it had immeasurably more depth and gameplay.

    n.b. Obviously I am being a little bit unfair with comparing a 34 year old game running on 16K machine to a modern game…. Deathchase had better graphics too.

  16. Forest Escape looks like a shitty version of Race The Sun

  17. Game u were talking about is intro the dead wich just got sequel that is miles better than first

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