Squidlit – Neither A Squidlit Nor A Kidlit (Direct To Video)

A fun little Game Boy inspired throwback. Good enough for a store link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/799510/Squidlit/


  1. I’m not too sure, but I think the person narrating is the great Sterdust, anyone else hear that? #STERGAZERS

  2. aww! this is cute

  3. Wow this actually looks pretty neat. Better than that shite he played yesterday

  4. Sounds from a Game Boy?
    That’s probably enough for Nintendo to claim this video.

  5. Why do I watch Jim Sterling? To learn the difference between and squid and an octopus of course.

  6. Dr. Badguy Reviews

    You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now, You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now, You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now, You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now, You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now, You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now, You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now, You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now, You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now, You’re a Kid Now, You’re a Squid Now.

  7. ocultopus??

  8. My favorite part is the boss fight where Jim doesn’t get the gimmick but winds up winning anyway

  9. Squizard? Nah, Warloctopus.

  10. Warloctopus?

  11. Top Conspiracies

    Always love it when your videos appear in my sub box! Glad there are some good games coming out on Steam, it’s filled with so much garbage nowadays.

  12. A retrogame that isn’t just a cynical nostalgia cash in to cover for not wanting to put in the effort for something more modern?

    I’m impressed.

  13. I love when Jim plays games he’s obviously having fun with.

  14. Kate Nunyabizness

    Magic using octopus? Wouldn’t that be a octogician?

  15. Protagonist Von Badperson

    I’m in love with this game, it’s so cute. So tempted…

  16. TROGDOR THE BURNINATOR has an appearance in this?!?!?!

  17. this is gorgeous, it doesn’t deserve to be in the same playlist as the rest of the trash in this series.

  18. Sam Reddig Gaming

    I think jim picks these games off of how good he can pun their name

  19. Yeah, I’d be stoked to play this on my ACTUAL gameboy.

  20. Direct to squideo.

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