White Day: A Labyrinth Named School – Terror Of The Random Janitor (Jimpressions)

A “classic” Koreon survival horror game about running away from a very old man who you could realistically take down with ease.


  1. I already have several questions, just based on the title, but I feel like the game won’t give any explanations.

  2. I think “wonder what Jim Sterling is up to” and bam there is a video. Serendipity or mind control? either way thank God.

  3. I really did dislike this game and got hate for the video I uploaded saying why I disliked it. Even had a few “anime” waifu fans send me odd messages saying I am trolling.
    People are weird.

  4. It hurts my heart when your videos are only a few minutes long

  5. Those first 30 seconds were really fucking scary

  6. I watched someone playthrough of the original game and the remake. Overall, not a bad game, but one that seems very tired and done to death by today’s standards after so many games. Still, I would say its worth a look if you can get on scale. There are definitely some memorable moments here, the story isn’t too bad the more you learn what’s going on, and on the harder difficulties, there are some really crafty, creepy ghosts.

  7. The original is SO much better. Not amazing but like… actually pretty good and had things that made it quite creepy.
    The original is REALLY watered down in its atmosphere, sound design, and visuals.
    It’s no Corpse Party though.

  8. 4:52 So it makes an attempt at mirrors that actually work, so it’s got that going for it… right?

  9. I absolutely love this game but the original was creepier even with the old graphics. There’s no legal way to get the original as it was only translated into English by a fan-patch. It was legitimately scary mostly because while you’re hiding from the janitor the hair ghost would occasionally creep up on you (and you could hear her coming).

    However the remake walls most of the scares behind difficulty settings. To even get the same ghosts chasing you as the original game (plus the new scares) you have to play on hard mode (at *least*). They also put scripted jumpscares into it which annoyed the tits off me.

    Also both the original and the remake have about 9 different endings and to even understand what the heck is going on you need to get a specific ending. And if I remember correctly the janitor (actually janitors plural, there are two old dudes) is possessed by the master of the labyrinth, but only at night?

    So if you’re a fan of the original game, the remake is worth a playthrough, but I think most people will find it incomprehensible at best.

  10. So the scary thing is groundskeeper wily. I guess its someones nightmare.

  11. The fact that the main “ghost” is a regular bloke i think is a good thing. As long as they’re erratic, psychotic, unpredictable and creepy enough, humans beat zombies and animals any day. The first encounters from Resident Evil 7 was pretty scary, and that’s before even knowing about any of the supernatural stuff going on, really..

  12. Saw this on pewdiepie a long time ago

  13. Please do an episode on the blantant hentai games showing up on Steam now.

  14. If Jim doesn’t like the game it’s probably a masterpeace

  15. The problem is they tried to “westernise” this game the original korean game was far more intense and creepy if i find the fan translation ill link it and if anyone has it link it because i lost it on an old pc . And its a really good game

  16. The original was one of the scariest games I’ve played. The sound design, dark shadows, and insane score made it something that I couldn’t play for more than like an hour at a time.

    Remake looks like a step down

  17. looks like it just wasnt for you game really needs multiple replays and reading of ghost stories and exploration of all the side stuff to get a fair picture of the whole experience but it is very old school(no pun intended) so understand modern audience just bouncing off but i liked this one a lot

  18. Hear the rave reviews for White Day!

    “5/10” –Kotaku
    “A forgettable PS4 experience.” –Destructoid
    “I like to sit on a throne like a poo-king.” –Jim Sterling
    “How did we fall so far? We’re only around anymore because we have Yahtzee by the balls. Jesus how did this happen.” –The Escapist

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