Star Wars Battlefront 2: A Pay-To-Win Loot Box Bollock Hole

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Star Wars Battlefront 2’s beta has raised major concerns about microtransactions and loot boxes. We’re reaching the point where this disease has set in far too deep now.


  1. “I really don’t think it’s worth DICE having sold its soul”
    What soul?

  2. When it comes down to it, that K/D ratio is really just cosmetic.

  3. Its weird how all the suckers that bought it still say its not pay 2 win… wonder why…

  4. The sad thing is that these games won’t stand the test of time. Retro gaming is a big deal, because people like to go back and replay classic games from years gone by. In the future, it won’t be possible to go back to Shadow of War or Battlefront II, and it might not even be possible to adopt the ‘wait for sale’ approach, because the online systems that generate the loot boxes and microtransactions won’t last forever. When they’re inevitably shut down in a few years’ time, the games will be unplayable, so future generations won’t be able to look at this current generation of games and say, ‘hey I’d love to go and play that’. It’s a big step backward for games, as they can no longer be on the same level as television or films.

  5. Every game is Magic the Gathering.

  6. Well the AAA gaming industry is doing a good job of saving my money because this is yet another game I won’t be buying. When it comes to microtransactions in full priced games, it should be an automatic -1 or -2 score when it comes to review scores since it devalues the game’s experience. I’m tired of reviews ignoring microtransactions and people defending it since this also indirectly promotes more microtransactions. STOP DEFENDING CORPORATE COMPANIES. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS WHO’S GOAL IS TO MAKE MORDOSH. Consumer’s goals is to spend the LEAST DOSH for more content. Why do consumers continue to defend companies is beyond me.

  7. soooo I’m curious what happens with games that are stripped down or loot-box/microtransactions driven down the road as we pass to newer consoles and interest for the old games wanes. Does that mean the game will just sit broken and barely playable? Like, I look at if my son eventually were to play a game (say this one, though I don’t plan on that) it will be a goood 5-10 years out from now and if they drop servers, or close the online aspect of these consoles because OLD… are he just screwed out of a good experience? I look back before this all took hold and how you can throw in a LOT of games and even with servers down and no access to anything else can still be played start to finish in the general vein it was back then. I don’t mean JUST this game but more any game following this trend.

  8. Morten Lars Andersen

    You’re right Jim. You do sound bitter. You sound like a bitter guy that hates that he is being ignored on his slightly relevant platform yelling about his particular pet peeve in the gaming industry. But this has reached a point where you lack any sort of actual attachment to what you’re talking about.

    You stopped caring about what the law said, you stopped caring about actually experiencing the beta and seeing how this progression might affect the gameplay and make an actual conclusion based on your experience with it – yet feel awfully qualified to jump forward and arrogantly claim that you know how this will somehow turn the game into a pay to win shitstorm.

    Whatever fucking happened to you? How did you get to the point that you’re willing to use such arguments as “apparently it is like this… ” because you didn’t see it yourself or ” i don’t care if they say it isn’t gambling.”

  9. *Gamers need to stop buying games with loot boxes or microtransactions!* *This is the only way that the games companies will listen!* *Let us put a stop to it now before loot boxes and microtransactions become part of every single new game released.*

  10. Another great game I wont be playing because they took the greatness and found a way to randomize it to monetize Star Wars further. I’d love to play a full game with a level playing field on release.

  11. We’re never getting another good Battlefront game, are we?
    Guess I better learn how to mod Battlefront 2 1

  12. Well first up they used season passes (which would be ok in my book as long as theres a clear roadplan) and everybody went apeshit. Now they hand out addons for free but insert microtransactions (which i dislike as soon as it involves gambling) and everybody wents apeshit.

  13. Oh hey, it’s just like Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer. This is not new cancer, this is well tested cancer for EA.

  14. I suspect this decision was taken because they skipped the pay for dlc/season pass. I realised then there would be some form of catch. However Im not so certain cosmetics would be great to. Battlefront 1 got critique for allowing troopers without helmets. Everyones access to jetpacks the break away from lore to some extent. I dunno how to solve this then I thought… why not do a toggle. Try to get the rights to helmets, custom stuff a colour palette maybe emblems whatever. And if you design a pink trooper with no helmet you can but each player can toggle to see his own customization only or everyone elses or none in option. That way players could reverse everyone back to vanilla colours/standard colours if they want a more autentic star wars game without destroying lore/atmosphere and all that for some.

    This would also make it possible to not have to go for pay 2 win territory and it would make most people happy I think. Also you could get cosmetics in game but if people wanna have that extra helmet or something they could buy it. And this brings me to the next topic. Cosmetics shouldnt be in lootboxes but in a store. You see what you get you pay and get what you pay for. Starcards and all that could still be randomly given in lootboxes if they so choose but not buyable in any way. That way they could still create that reward system even if I myself would prefer it more tied to lvl and so on. But I think that would go around this problem a bit.

    In a perfect AAA game you pay premium nothing of this sort of casino/p2w/lootboxes should be a thing. Nothing should be behind extra paywalls and so on from the get go. You buy the full game you get it all and you can unlock the rest by playing in game not paying to skip. I know it sucks for those that have little time but the idea to buy power sucks even worse for those that does not have the extra cash to stay competetive quickly enough meaning those with money and time will be far more powerful for a longer period of time untill the rest catches up. I also dont see a good future for these systems especially for new players let say they keep this system. What will happen to new players trying to join in let say a year? Game might have changed but many players will dish out imense ammounts of more damage have much more hp and almost be invulnarable if they play boba fett or some other heroes with certain card combos doing certain moves etc. Its going to be difficult to still keep new players playing down the line unless mm works well and frankly it did not in Beta.

  15. 1:46 yeah well the fucking FTC doesn’t classify fantasy football as gambling so I don’t think any of these groups understand what the fuck gambling is.

    Joe Nameth said it best “do they have to pay to play? Can they win something from it? Then it’s gambling.”

  16. Companies that make games with any micro transactions need to go bankrupt..they dont deserve to be successful

  17. Yes fuck micro transactions fuck loot boxes but if your paying with credits earned I feel like they’re not trying to force me to pay so its not AS bad, but still pretty shitty. Miss the days of ps2 buy a game, go home and play it. Done.

  18. Yeah on Origin right now the Battlefront 1 season pass is free.

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