I dunno, the animation issue doesn’t look all that overblown to me.


  1. But how can you criticize a game without singling out one woman who worked on the game for personal attacks? Mind blown.

  2. While i do enjoy this game it shouldn’t be denied that someone needs to get fired for releasing this in this caca dookie ass condition

  3. I love this game. Seriously. Flaws and all, i acknowledge them, but the fucking gameplay is so fun.

  4. Extraordinarily Basic

    I’m actually glad the lead director came out as a huge racist. It would have been extremely disappointing to play this game after I considered the original trilogy the pinnacle of gaming. Thank god Poland is trying to save the gaming industry.

  5. Ok what the fuck does any of this have to do with SJWs and why does everyone commenting about it being their fault sound so fucking obnoxious?

    P.S. Animation issues aside I’m excited to play this game, I can’t wait to tear up the multiplayer if it’s anything like Mass Effect 3’s (And I’m hearing it is).

  6. *Bioware employee:* So when does play testing begin?

  7. *stubs toe on coffee table*

  8. Stephen Mc Devitt

    Why can’t everyone just blame EA? They should’ve delayed the game for polish. Nope. A certain group branding themselves with a certain hashtag prefer to attack individuals who involved in the game, especially if said person is a female because ruining the lives of others somehow means ethics.

  9. 9:15 Jim that was a biotic power she used, you basically warp to the target and punch them. That was not a glitch

  10. I’ll be interested in Mass Effect again when they’ll let you play as an Alien… And when EA will get it’s sh*t together. All their sh*t. And put it in a backpack, so it’s together.

  11. shame you can’t name the character this time. Dick Ryder would have been glorious

  12. I completely agree. I normally don’t jump on remastered games but a remastered Mass Effect Series would be awesome!

  13. how can you like DAI but not like mass effect..the first ME is a god tier game

  14. Sucks more people aren’t enjoying Mass Effect Andromeda, I’m 16Hrs in and having a great time.

  15. As a guy who’s loving this game…

    YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, it definitely needed more polish. I’m loving it in spite of its shortcomings, but hooo boy did it need some fine-tuning. It’s not enough to take me out of it, but it COULD have been a much better experience.

  16. Too bad you do not have enough time to get into Mass effect 2 and 3, AMAZING games..

  17. There’s really no reason to defend this game. They dropped the ball, pure and simple, and thought they could sell it and no one would notice how shit it was.

    I’ll be honest, I’m pretty critical of Bioware games. I think the original ME trilogy was pretty good, but I’ve been disappointed with the Dragon Age sequels (Origins was really good. Inquisition… feels lacking in execution, it has content but no spirit). Whatever made them “good” at RPGs they have since lost I think.

    Also, Andromeda was made by a Bioware imposter. And I think staffed largely by amatuers _or_ there were some major issues that divided the developers so they didn’t work well together.

  18. The One True Nobody!

    I’ll correct you on one thing, actually. The stuff that was good in ME2 and ME3 most certainly was NOT ignored. From a fundamental design level I’d even say Andromeda plays mostly better than those two games, if only by virtue of not being contained to minimalistic indoor hallways that only serve to highlight how sub-par the shooter design is compared to better, dedicated third-person shooters, which was a large chunk of what BioWare fans complained about in ME2 and ME3. Andromeda attempts to bring ME1’s ambition back into the ME2/ME3 framework by amping up the RPG elements and customization options without going back on gameplay advancement, meaning we have vast open-area vehicle sections and tons of outdoor exploration on alien worlds but we also have the smooth as butter shooter controls of ME2 and ME3 as well as their ideas for how to handle such things as the ship; the dialogue system also ditches the Paragon/Renegade meters in favor of a more complex and better-handled version of what Dragon Age II attempted, which is to say a dialogue system based wholly on choosing options for personality and tone rather than moral-alignment.

    What Andromeda lacks is in its technical advancement and its polish. The animation is bonkers in places and the graphics still have that made-of-clay look that I’d associate with mid-to-early PS3 games. And if that were the only problem I’d be fine, but it also ditches the pause wheel for power usage, along with any ability that would have given you to command your squadmates to use specific powers on specific targets, which has been a staple of the gameplay since the very first game and in my mind one of the things that set it APART from all those other third-person shooters that did basic shooter design better. Instead you can use three powers at any given time during gameplay, and no more than three, because that’s the maximum number of hotkeys you’re given. So your single-player character plays like the multiplayer characters and it feels as a result as if, in spite of combat being arguably better, tactics took several steps back and tumbled ass-over-head into a black hole.

    The game is quite fun but it’s unfortunate in that it came out possibly a few years too late to stand up to its immediate competition (which in this case is Horizon Zero Dawn and Breath of the Wild, just as Inquisition had to contend with being released not long before The Witcher 3). The game feels as if it lags behind, like development went on too long and then they realized it was going on too long and rushed it out. Unfortunate, because, technical issues aside, it’s really a fun game and it does recapture some of the ambition ME1 failed to fully realize before the series got kicked into focus-group hell for ME2 and ME3.

  19. Mass Effect: The Retard Deportation Program

  20. Good lord. I thought maybe people were overreacting about the facial animations, but my 65-year-old mom who knows nothing about video games and has never heard of Mass Effect before, when a commercial came on for this game, said (completely unprompted), “They just haven’t figured out faces yet, have they?”

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