VIGIL: THE LONGEST NIGHT – Godzilla Werewolf Horse


  1. Godzilla is approaching the generator…

  2. Stronghans McIronuts

    If I was always this early I’d still have a job.

  3. 0:56 the guy with a pot was a statue JIm. That’s why there was no animation.

  4. I come back from school. Minutes later there’s a new Jim video. Life is good.

  5. Godzilla Werewolfhorse m/

  6. why does it show your channel when to search brazzers firefighter in youtube??


  8. The graphics are very nice, but the animations look kinda – too stiff for the art style, if you know what I mean. ^^
    They could be a bit smoother imho, that would really improve it a lot.

  9. Looks like steam greenlight is not covered in shit for once.

  10. Oh sweet, you went with my suggestion! 😀

  11. Is the Steam Cleaner making an appearance at 3:56 ?

  12. Where are the Zombie Spider Heads?

  13. Jim really likes bad tweening.
    I mean… it’s ok… but it does look cheap.

  14. Jim I disagree entirely, I think the animation looks terrible (It’s very obviously tweened together with not many key frames), which sucks because if I just saw a still image of this game I’dve thought it looked pretty good.

  15. How dare they put good stuff on greenlight, don’t people know what its for now?

  16. doesn’t look bad, but could definitely use some animation tweaks.

  17. who the hell nocked off Salt and Sanctuary?

  18. This is what I imagine a Castlevania game made by Vanillaware would look like, looks really good.

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