Goodbye Greenlight (The Jimquisition)

Steam Greenlight, while once a promising and perhaps even noble endeavor, became a shitting tip in a year.  Greenlight, aka Greenblight, aka Memelight, a service that did not so much open the floodgates as pull them off the hinges and sell the bastards for scrap metal.  Now it’s gone, so…

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Exposure (The Jimquisition)

Every game blog wants to make a name for itself, but that desire can sometimes be fulfilled in a most undesirable way. I mean, look what happened to Brash Games! It doesn’t pay its writers, it revokes author credits when people leave, and its owner has over a decade of…

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Bullshitstorm (The Jimquisition)

Oh Gearbox, will you ever learn? So the great minds running the Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition scene decided to compound its ludicrous MSRP by partnering with G2A. Yes that G2A, the notoriously scummy one that profits from fraud. How did that turn out, and what does it say of this…

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Oh Atlus, Honey, No… (The Jimquisition)

Persona 5 should be reveling in its critical acclaim right now, but it’s mired in a bit of bad press thanks to its publisher’s attempt to control post-launch video content. An honest case of trying to protect an audience from spoilers, a ludicrous overreach from an out-of-touch company? Both? Both,…

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