Really this was just an excuse to ramble incoherently about how much I love Final Fantasy IX.


  1. Quina cosplay in a video when?

  2. Never liked Japanese RPG’s but FF9s story and characters really touched me.

  3. Cool. I was _trying_ to hold out on buying this until, you know, it went on sale, or I actually had the extra cash floating around to buy it, but nah… Couldn’t resist. I just want to climb around on a giant Celery stock, thank-you-very-much.

  4. I should have known that FFIX would be Jim’s favorite, lol. It fits him so well.

  5. Why wont the re scan the old artwork for he background of these games…
    The artwork for these games are beautiful (7 8 and 9), especially for 9, it be wonderful to see these in a full 1080 or even 4k, rather than who ever it is simply upscaling everything.

  6. 0:20 Are you getting royalties for that, Jim?

  7. I’m not sure FF9 is my favourite but it’s definitely at least 2nd. People say they cried when Aerith died but the vivi bits of this are heartbreaking

    And you missed the chance for a self deprecating joke with Quen!

    Always loved him/her

  8. I was all hyped to play this on PS4 then ran into that music resetting issue. Hope they fix that. In the meantime I’m going to have to breakout the PSX so I can play through the game as intended.

  9. 0:55 It sounds like he’s like half rapping lol

  10. god i love 9.
    easily the best.

  11. For me, 9 is second behind FF 6

  12. PS4 record is one of the best things my PC doesn’t have 🙁

  13. Number 9 was my favorite too!

    I have fond memories of renting a console to play this game and only being able to go as far as i could in the weekend that I had it.

    Holy shit, Square enix needs to release this on steam. I’d give it all my member berries.

    edit: I went and checked and it turns out i own it but the lack of controller support made me not play it.
    i’m apparently an idiot.

  14. 0:28 I didnt know Jim was in FFIX, he looks great in that portrait

  15. I’ve always been under the impression FF9 was multiplayer (like 11 and 14), and didn’t bother with it. This looks pretty fucking single player. Guess I’m a huge idiot?

  16. But anyway…
    But anyway..
    But anyway.

    Yeah, Jim seems really irratic this time. Even more so than usual. I guess he was just giddy? Cute, in a weird way.

  17. I will not disagree with your opinion. FFIV is my best one, and FFVI is my second best one. FFIX may be my third best one, and debating getting it for PS4 as well.

  18. That intro…my god…I just noticed…that fishman is smoking a pipe with his MOUTH and not his GILLS! Childhood shattered! Er…late teens/early twenties? WHENEVER IT WAS! I stopped keeping track about five years back.

  19. This is an old remaster that has been on other platforms for over a year…

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