This Is What Happens When You Can’t Help Harassing People

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I had to take my Alex Mauer video down thanks to some of its viewers. It’ll be back with some details edited out to stop those of you who can’t fucking themselves.


  1. Jesus people are dumb

  2. I’m disappointed but not surprised.

  3. People will be dicks… There needs to be a rule for that. Similar to rule 34. “Where there is a normal conversation to be had, there will be people who will try their best to derail it”.

  4. Why the fuck would you harass someone? And even worse the wrong people! Bunch of Idiots…

  5. wait, Jim, you’ve been in this buisness how long? and you didnt expect this to happen? the only shocking thing is that you didnt see it coming.

  6. The Creepy Lantern

    if anyone who sent the bullshit emails sees this, can you reply telling me what you thought you’d accomplish by doing so? because I can’t figure it out for the life of me how you thought you’d be helping anything

  7. I knew as soon as that email flashed on screen the more zealous of this fanbase would blindly assault it. Such a sad state that A) People are malicious enough to harass some one in the first place and B) they’re so fucking dense they don’t realise that the email was for someone TRYING TO HELP.

    Nice work Jackasses.

  8. “Mr. Sexist Transphobic Internet Guy, what are you doing?”

    “I’m hitting this hornet’s nest with a stick! What does it look like?!”

    “And… why are you hitting a hornet’s nest with a stick?”

    “Because I fucking hate hornets! And because they keep fucking stinging me whenever I express my hatred of them! What the fuck?!”

    “But… the hornet’s nest isn’t anywhere near your house. And the hornets never started stinging you until after you started hitting their nest with a stick.”


    “So maybe they’d leave you alone if you stopped hitting their nest with a stick at every opportunity?”


  9. Cap'n Chumpington Esq.

    If you did this, then you clearly do not understand Jim’s channel and beliefs and should probably just fuck off

  10. I think it’s very funny how it’s always the same prcess:

    >Youtuber talks shit about other person.
    >Youtuber tells his audience, not to talk shit about this person.
    >Audience goes and talks shit about the person.
    >Youtuber complains at his audience.

    You cant tell me, you haven’t seen this happen at least 5-10 times ^^

  11. seeing a lot of comments saying “well what did you expect?”. It saddens me immeasurably that basic faith in humanity is now considered stupidity.

  12. Seriously, people?! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
    1. Was it not blatantly obvious that wasn’t Alex Mauer’s email?
    2. He *specifically* said to not harass people. What did you hope to accomplish?!
    3. What does her personal information, especially her being transgender, have to do with *any* of this?!

    I actually did expect more from Jim’s viewership.

  13. NoJusticeNoPeace

    No offence intended, but the gaming community in general and the gaming community here on YouTube in particular is one of the most poisonously toxic communities I’ve ever encountered — and I’ve spent the last quarter of a century fighting neo-Nazis, skinheads, and whitepower fascists. I recently had people telling me I should be thrown out of a helicopter and killed… for _contributing my professional expertise free of charge_ to a gaming channel content producer. I’m sure there are some intelligent and thoughtful people who are gamers, but the loudest voices also tend to be the dumbest and most noxious.

  14. He clearly said in his video,

    “Please don’t do that…actually I take that back…DON’T. FUCKING. DO THAT ”

    I’m not even mad, I’m just really disappointed…

  15. ITT: People throwing insults at those that harassed both Alex Mauer and Lindsay from the game studio. People are so desperate to stand on the moral high ground that they somehow remain ignorant to their own verbal abuse of others.

    This doesn’t get better by “fighting fire with fire”. If you’re one of the people in this comment thread calling anyone a “cunt”, “idiot”, “fucking idiot” or variation thereof, you also need to take a step back and look at your own behaviour.

    Don’t harass or verbally abuse anyone. Period.

    EDIT: In the replies to this comment: People who a) don’t get it and b) desperately trying to make excuses for their own behaviour.

  16. So many “holier-than-thou” people preaching in the comments.

  17. Four names Four eyes

    Apparently they did it simply “For teh lulz.”

    Good to know these people’s sense of humor is as well developed as their brains…

  18. shit jim made it clear to use it if you had a problem not to start shit IT WAS IN BIG LETTERS DIP SHITS

  19. it was ABUNDANTLY clear why that email address was given, and to which party it belonged – the fault is not with you, Jim

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