DRAWN TO DEATH – Doodle Jumping The Gun

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Playing that PS4 shooter what David Jaffe’s new outfit done did.


  1. no views ??

  2. Wow. That’s quite amazing.

  3. I don’t like the art style at all.

  4. The Artstyle is really something, but I want to play this as a singleplayer game

  5. My hypothesis on why aliens would also make music, in 4 propositions:
    1. Life’s existence can be explained solely by the law of entropy and the tendency to find the fastest route to chaos.
    2. Life, particularly humans, have a tendency to shape the world as they see fit, in an attempt to create a small amount of order out of a larger amount of chaos (i.e. building a house, which requires lots of work to shape and obtain the materials).
    3. This love for order & harmony is a likely candidate for one of the reasons why humans enjoy music (ratios between sound frequencies and easily divisible time signatures, etc).
    4. The only way for extraterrestrial life to become as advanced as our own species is to have our same ‘order-from-chaos’ behaviour.
    Therefore, aliens probably like music.

  6. didnt this have like a trailer 3 years ago? or is it just another game with the same style

  7. Alexander Walker

    Nice ‘Drawn to Life’ reference in the title there.

  8. Love the permanent decals. More games should have this.

  9. Whos this Jim_Sterling player? Never heard of him, plus it’s a crap name. I was expecting to see Chungus, it’s a much better choice.

  10. it’s actually 20 dollars I do believe

  11. The Omnilution 2.0

    Drawn to Life, Drawn to Death.

  12. Quick Correction: This game is NOT “fee to pay”. It is a budget title at $20. Only in April it is free on PS+

  13. that shark has jiggle physics, I’m not sure how to think

  14. It’s dead right now because it’s going to be a PSN+ game tomorrow for free

  15. Was just thinking of you uncle Jim Jim and then I get a notification <3

  16. Aaand… other than this game, psplus asia got life is strange full episodes for free

  17. this got over 2/10

  18. This game’s artstyle and tone remind me heavily of Madworld, though for some reason I think it lacks the same charm that that game carried with it which pretty much kills a game like this that effectively lives and dies on how much it can charm you as the core mechanics are about as basic as they come.

  19. Dr Rainbows the Unicorn

    The commentator sounds like the crazy announcer in Sunset Overdrive.

  20. Where’s the David Jaffey cameo? Your interview with him was one of the best!

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