THE GREATEST DUO IS BACK | Party Animals (2v2v2v2)

Party Animals is an exciting and hilarious multiplayer game that invites you to unleash the furry mayhem as adorable yet feisty creatures. Step into the paws of playful puppies, mischievous kittens, and an array of other cuddly creatures as you engage in epic battles with your friends. Whether you prefer to team up online or gather around the couch for some local multiplayer action, Party Animals delivers hours of laughter-filled entertainment.

Drawing inspiration from the beloved Gang Beasts, Party Animals combines charming visuals with a physics-based gameplay experience. Prepare to be immersed in a world where every object, surface, and interaction obeys the laws of a realistic physics engine, resulting in unpredictable and uproarious encounters. From slippery ice arenas to precarious rooftops, each level is designed to test your agility, strategy, and ability to adapt to chaotic environments.

Edited by: lordthevil

Thumbnail by: MaximumPanic

#partyanimals #gangbeasts #gameplay #h2odelirious #h20delirious


  1. 1:57 “Peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat” is exactly what vanoss said back then😏

  2. Cartoonz was the MVP

  3. Emperor Palpatine

    The best Duo

  4. This is a vid of delirious dying in game 😂

  5. More of these please!!🤣🤣

  6. love that cartoonz thumbnail and this thumbnail is basically the same its cool

  7. Always been subcribe more texas chain saw

  8. Never been easier !!

  9. I saw cartoonz version of this and now its delirious

  10. I love this video. So funny and intense

  11. Did not expect the God Hand main menu theme playing

  12. party animals is much more fun game, gang beast is dull game but its fun game but its dull make you feel like sad and depressed but party animals not dull its more happy have more life into it, party animals like better version of gang beast.
    I not saying gang beast is bad its fun and you want to play party animals play gang beast first, you like it very much you will enjoy party animals much more

  13. Random unrelated fact i just learned in which no one asked for; the greek god of marrage is named hymen.

  14. Peperidge farm remembers when h20 delirious was an offline raiding bitch on conan and sniped max and faceless

  15. 6:54 what a legendary play

  16. hey delirious could u play route 96 mile 0!

  17. new baby in yellow

  18. NihilusGaMingParody

    after i watched the video at 4:35 i was surprised at the scream delirious made, ive watched most of your his videos and never heard his voice go that high

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