Baby in Yellow: The Black Cat

Baby in Yellow has received a substantial update and this time I actually play the correct version! Let’s see what kind of torture this cursed baby puts us through this time!

Horror Outro ►
Happy Outro ►


  1. Is this the version 1.0?

  2. the way mark goes from thinking newt is creepy to loving him by the end and carrying him is just so wholesome

  3. I can’t wait till I get my blanket from cloak.. hope it’s like super big 😂 I’m excited

  4. Burnt Chicken Nugget

    Ik This is irrelevant to the video but, mark is practically my online dad because i started watching him when i was 9 years old and now im 18, i’ll be taking the uni apllication exam This saturday so yeah im feeling hella nostalgic thinking about how Fast the time passes and all that. He was always there in some way yk, i would watch him during summer, after school, during exam week… Thanks for everything Mark. Your videos have a huge place in my childhood! Thank god i grew up with some quality content ❤

  5. Two things that absolutely killed me
    Mark throwing the baby and saying “Aw baby fell down-”
    And the baby just throwing books at poor Newt 😭

  6. 21:05 NEWT NOOOOOOOO 😭

  7. Birb__being __birb


  8. Birb__being __birb

    And noice, a update 👍🏻

  9. Mark can you please play the last of us

  10. It's a Pride Niron!

    DAMNIT Lixian, You got me 😂

  11. I don’t know why but markiplier’s is starting to upload daily

  12. 20:50 “Look at you!” 😂

  13. The youtube moneters woodent let me swear

  14. Birb__being __birb

    Kitty :^ :>

  15. Birb__being __birb

    3:24 go Mark go!

  16. Mark say hello yellow

  17. Birb__being __birb

    “Hammer, haammer. Hammer- uhg what is that.” -Mark getting distracted :]

  18. The way Mark just DROPS Newt 27:30


  20. Birb__being __birb

    8:22 Cute newt

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