
Liz Katz IG posts were getting negative comments,
I don’t want that at all and there is no reason for that stuff.
So please be kind to her.

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#H2ODelirious #H20Delirious #Lizkatz


  1. Liz Katz IG posts were getting negative comments, I don’t want that at all and there is no reason for that stuff. So please be kind to her.

  2. The title is so wild

  3. Delirious has always had his issues behind the scenes & it’s sad to hear him actually talk about it. Love John🫶

  4. @dizegutememes7838

    For thoes who are a bit older know that in life there are going to be moments where there is no more help and just need to accept it and work doing the things you did and thats okay we all had our downfalls all i can say its, its okay bro its a part of a life not a good one but there are yet good ones to come. We love you for who you are not for the things you said or did we love you because we grew up with you and had fun and smiled awry day and thats why we are here for you now. We love you H2ODelirious♥️

  5. We’ll always be here for you Delirious, stay strong, you’re a good man.

  6. sorry about this man love you stays strong.

  7. @Kazzy-Nolan-Gaming

    Im sorry delirious we all love u man i hope u feel better

  8. Take your time bro break ups are hard and hopefully y’all both are happy at the end

  9. Delirious you are the biggest gentleman i have ever seen in this generation, being respectful even if they attacked your beloved wife, and sacrificing your happiness to make her feel more safe and happy is the most mature sh* i have ever seen, keep it up dude, and dont forget that we, as your fans, love you a bunch, and will support your decisions❤

  10. Take all the time you need man, you don’t need to be uploading at this situation. Sad seeing you like this, never have WE heard you being like this, hope everything will be alright dude

  11. @tayteharniman5900

    I’m sorry that liz got attacked and that you two broke up delirious, please take care of yourself first before making videos again and I know that you’ll be the best father you’ll ever be, with or without a partner

  12. God damn didnt think i would ever hear this.

  13. Good person my guy dating pornstar onlyfan 😂😂😂 clown

  14. Stay strong delirious , if you need anything we are all here for you…

  15. It’ll be okay Delirious maybe it was better if you two went your separate ways👍👍

  16. I wish I could hug delirious so he would feel better

  17. Hearing your voice make me more sad brooo..sorry to hear this

  18. Sad to hear this happen but it’s life. I wish you guys n ur daughters well. It’ll be okay if u make it ok, so y’all do ur best.

  19. This made me cry , I can hear the pain in his voice. I always like hearing him happy. Stay strong bro.

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