Selena Gomez Trashes Microtransactions While Suing A Game That Stole Her Face

Selena Gomez is suing Mutantbox Interactive and Guangzhou Feidong Software over a game that stole her likeness. That game is Clothes Forever: Styling Game and yes, it blatantly stole her face.

Most interesting for viewers of this channel, however, is the lawsuit dumping on the game’s business model, alleging Gomez would never agree to appear in a game that “lures” players with its microtransactions.

And that is the story about how an old irrelevant man like Jim Sterling found himself talking about Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, and Beyoncé.


#SelenaGomez #Microtransactions #ClothesForever #Lawsuit #Monetization #Money #Mobile #iOS #Android #iPhone #TaylorSwift #Beyonce #Celebrity #Fashion #JimSterling #IndustryBS #Videogames #Games #Gaming #Game #FreeToPlay #F2P #VirtualCurrency


  1. This is like The Onion taking the piss out of Black Mirror.

  2. Flunderingchipper

    I was not expecting Selena Gomez, microtransactions, and a lawsuit to appear in the same notification when I woke up this morning.

  3. Cuddles the Dachshund

    Now I want to see a movie like “The Lighthouse” but with Franco and Walken.

  4. cheezemonkeyeater

    “You stole my face so you could steal money from the people who play your game.”
    You know, I’m totally behind her on this one. It’s so blatant. I mean, yeah, sure, I understand tracing something to get proportions down if you’re not very skilled at art, but at least have the decency to, you know, change up the facial features and put on some different clothes.

  5. If you can get Selena Gomez on a Jimquisition to publicly denounce microtransactions, that would be impressive.

  6. It’s almost as though the use of someone’s identity – without their consent or knowledge – is immoral.

  7. I think Jim would be a great fashion adviser, seeing celebrities walking around in Mysterio globes could be the new Gucci.

  8. Just looking at the footage there, there are clearly faces in that game modelled on Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian too, so I think this Chinese company has got a whole waaaave of lawsuits coming in!

  9. This is the most interesting thing ive heard about selena gomez since I found out one of her first roles was as “waterpark girl” in the masterpiece known as Spy Kids 3D: Game Over

  10. Wasn’t expecting much today, but this sure puts a smile on my face.

    Real life keeps getting wilder than south park and it’s unbelievable.

  11. “Fund imaginary spending in games”. That is a fantastic way of putting it, get on! ^_^

  12. This is entirely unrelated to the video but…I am DYING to see Jim’s video on the Wastelanders update. People are falling for it. I’ve seen so many people saying they’re glad Bethesda’s “pulled it off.” No matter how well put together the update is I’m not forgiving all of Bethesda’s bullshit. It’s still a buggy mess built on a broken obsolete engine. I just want to see Jim rip it to shreds. I can’t be the only one who isn’t buying what Bethesda’s selling.

  13. Ayy, Selena Gomez clearly watches the Jimquisition.

  14. Jim Sterling and Selena Gomez is a crossover I never thought I’d see.

  15. Gamers: *failed to bring down a greedy business model*

    Selena Gomez: “fine, I’ll do it myself”

  16. I didn’t expect Selena Gomez to be our anti-Micro Transaction hero, but here we are.

    2020 has been a very weird year.

  17. “This is why this channel isn’t working.”
    Oh, come on. You were one of the first youtubers to fire full broadsides at the gaming industry. From space. WIth an intergalactic battleship.
    True, there are bigger channels, but I like you authenticity. You just don give a shit about language used in your videos. About getting over that sweet 10 minute revenue mark. You just do you. And thats, even considering your bitterness, why we love you.

    Stay safe.

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