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Use my Epic Games Creator Code *H2ODelirious*

Thumbnail by: @MaximumPanic

🎵 Outro song by SpacemanChaos:

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  1. I’m disappointed with this video it seemed too chopped up

  2. Deliriou’s laughs sounds like Millhouse from The simpsons

  3. Please don’t chop so much of the video out. I was a lil confused on the gameplay bc s much of it was edited. I love your video’s regardless! ❤

  4. Can you watch the full game play somewhere?

  5. I do very much enjoy Delirious playing horror games, it definitely makes my day ❤😊

  6. Finally delirious is on this 🎉❤

  7. I love the video but I wish that there was more story and context. I was very confused when there was no lead into the video and then it would just cut to him already doing puzzles. I didn’t feel like I was on the adventure with him. Can’t wait for the next video or series much love.

  8. Man I just remembered h20 after a few years and I’m excited to come back to this channel. It sucks the algorithm has kept his videos out of my sight for years

  9. SO MUCH LOVE BUDDY!!!! youve been an amazing inspiration throughout my life and hope you continue to make amazing content.<3333333

  10. “Says ethan”

  11. Not much a fan of this video was edited I feel like I missed so much of a great video or as if I was watching a best moments video playing out of order

  12. 4:43 🤣🤣🤣

  13. That’s not teddy bear it’s teddy toons lol 😂

  14. “He shut the door? He ShUT the DooR? WHYYYY” 😂

  15. I haven’t watched H20 delirious in years. The last time I watched him was when he played Batman Arkham Knight, singing he can show us his balls. I love this guy.

  16. H20 delirious you are the best YouTuber.

  17. Hey delirious, did you know one of your H2O clan buddies is one of the noble 14 from halo? Noble H2O Shoagie to be exact

  18. feel like a different editor for this vid

  19. Time to watch H20 delirious because I woke up delirious and not able to see straight

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