Dead Space: REMAKE – Part 8

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Chapter 8 and things are getting real dark. Literally!
Dead Space Cloak Collab! ►


  1. Five nights at flumpty 3?

  2. unpopular opinion: where calisto protocol i too poor to afford i Need -by me

  3. Any chance youre in the nether?

  4. The amount of stuff Mark misses just because he glances in a room and goes “nah” without actually checking anything is a fortune worth

  5. I like saving

  6. I’m sorry it couldn’t have worked.

  7. 1:47 there’s no way they weren’t inspired by ALIENS

  8. Man i went the whole game not knowing you could kill the guys with the tentacles……

  9. 17:50 he missed a chance to hear a sea shanty

  10. I always get confused on how a single one of them are able to wipe out a whole military vassal with ease

  11. The_Real_Goodboy_Link

    31:00 no…personalies?

  12. The_Real_Goodboy_Link

    PRONE ZONE?!?!?!?

  13. Day 1 of asking Markiplier to play the Horrorgame “One Night at Flumpty’s 3” with a pretty pleaaase :3

  14. Please more raft!!!!!

  15. I genuinely look forward to each of your videos playing the game, but not only because of the game. Because your content brings me so much joy lately <3 !

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