Dead Space: REMAKE – Part 3

Chapter 3 of the Dead Space remake has us go into SPACE!!
Dead Space Cloak Collab! ►


  1. Within the Thinking Well

    That logging off sound effect when that one guy at 50 min dies is genius

  2. anyone look up the size of this ship its maybe triple an aircraft carrier

  3. Chaymir Van Der Linde

    Did you know that Mark likes saving?

  4. Absolutely loving this series

  5. 51:33 Today I witnessed Mark’s potential to be a power metal vocalist.

  6. 51:40 most comical mark scream to date

  7. I know he has a 4090 but I have a 4070ti and my game is constantly stuttering and lagging. Really hope they update the optimization soon.

  8. Literally just watched markiplier’original playthrough and DEFINITELY used the ratchet

  9. Mark, you’ve never used the ripper, because you’ve never played this before, don’t you not remember anything about never playing this game in the past?

  10. Day 2 asking for the last of us 2/ 50/20 ultimate custom night

  11. Mark somehow not realizing the Pulse Rifle’s alt-fire is a proximity mine despite the game explicitly saying that’s what it is and then having a whole revelation about it is excellent

  12. I wish you, bob, and wade would make a new 7 days to die series

  13. Nice video

  14. Lol mark missed a node and ik he is mad about it

  15. You you youuuuuuuuuu more like no not su not su suu siuuuu

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