Blizzard Answers Unsolved Mysteries of the Overwatch Universe | Ars Technica

The Blizzard Universe is shrouded in mystery. Game designers Jeff Kaplan and Geoff Goodman are here to shed some light on the intricacies of the Overwatch world. Who paints Roadhog’s nails? What is playing on Torbjorn’s headphones? All of these are answered and more!

Blizzard Answers Unsolved Mysteries of the Overwatch Universe | Ars Technica


  1. I was hoping for lore, not stupid, basic gameplay questions.


  3. ear hair

  4. that edgy kid scares me!

  5. Ok so from jeff’s face, doomfist will be next, sweet.

  6. ‘Wow look at that scientist!’ Jeff’s meme game is on point.

  7. 2:53
    that one strand of hair coming out of his right ear is driving me insane!

  8. 8:30 – “…limited clip with only 4 shots…”
    *roadhog mains crying in the background*

  9. I was hoping to find out what Junkrats treasure was.

  10. Jeff: Yes
    Geoff: Yeos

  11. “we’re planning actually a 4 year ARG lead up to the next hero.” -Jeph lmfao xD

  12. Stylosa’s gonna make another Doomfist video… “HOLY HELL, DOOMFIST LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!”

  13. 1:23 Lucio with symmetra’s gun, tracer’s blink, biotic field and sonic arrow? Lusymtranzo 76 confirmed

  14. “some can go deep on one hero” ~ Jeff Kaplan 2017


  16. Nerf Genji. As a Genji main, knowing that I have it harder than everybody else inflates my ego beyond comprehensible levels.

  17. Alexander Charkiewicz

    “Doomfist would be a little overpowered” Geoff
    Me: But according to the first cinematic, Winston beat him in a 1v1, i think he would be underpowered

  18. it’s really fascinating to see the faces of the people asking questions, because it reminds me that the people who are raging in my overwatch matches are just harmless nerds

  19. Jeff Kaplan needs to be a playable hero. atleast a spray. player icon, or an npc in a comic or animation.

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