Now Sony’s Being Silly About Cross-Platform Play (The Jimquisition)

First and foremost, The Jimquisition went to Mississippi Comic-Con and I got roughed up by Jason Voorhees.

Of lesser importance is our main story. Cross-platform play is being embraced by both Microsoft and Nintendo. As with mods, Sony’s being a spoilsport again.

As Minecraft and Rocket League let Xbox One and Switch players interact, PS4 folks once again get stuck with inferior products.


  1. Kouga The Wolf Pokemon

    never clicked a video quicker. Give em hell Jim!

  2. I wish I could like twice for the inclusion of Ed, Edd and Eddy in the thumbnail.


  4. I swear to God Sony’s on the way to definitively turning the PS4 into the late in the generstion 360. No idea why they must go through a cycle of being dicks for a while and then okayish but it seems to be how it works.

  5. Billy Bob Ferguson

    I found the new Jimquisition intro weird at first, but it’s actually kind of grown on me quicker and better than the last. I prefer it now.

    also first

  6. Sony being anti-consumer again? But…I thought that wasn’t possible! It’s literally impossible for them to do wrong, because they’re #4thegamers!

  7. 6 views
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  8. Sony doesn’t want Xbox live in PlayStation like what Microsoft is making Nintendo Switch users do.

  9. Intellektual BlackMan

    Spank my naughty pussy, daddy 🙁

  10. [Insert Ed, Edd n Eddy Joke]

  11. i must say the new opening is realy starting to warm on me

  12. Proper video starts at 3:08

  13. When it comes to consoles (I’m a PC player most of the time) I usually end up going with Sony over Microsoft since they usually have more of the games I like to play. But without the crossplay feature I might just end up going with Xbox next gen ’cause it’s what most of my friends have.

  14. I didn’t realise how much I wanted to see a Tuskan Raider, a Stormtrooper and Jim Fucking Sterling Son dance to Chains of Love by Erasure until now.

  15. This new intro is still throwing me off…

  16. wondered if you’d make a video about this.

    This is the problem I have with Sony (or anyone for that matter) being so far ahead in sales, it means that they no longer have to try to please their fans, they themselves can set the rules and their supporters will have no choice but to agree with them. I fear this could the beginning of a slippery slope for Sony

  17. Holy shit. Some punk turned down 3 whole exposures? He should be on his knees.

    Thanking god.

    For You.

  18. Sony lets _LIfe of Black TIger_ exist but not cross-platform play.

  19. EVEN NINTENDO accepted this initiative.

    Sony is getting arrogant again. PS Plus has seen better days, they say backwards compatibility is useless because no one wants to play old games but then they release remakes and remasters every chance they get and now this.

    The PS4 is right now a very popular and great console but don’t forget that the PS2 was also a very popular console and they still got fucked in the beginning of the PS3 gen.

    PlayStation has GREAT exclusives but they need to work on their services and on their attitude.

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