Aatrox: The Darkin Blade | Champion Trailer – League of Legends

He cleaves earth and bone with an ancient blade, carving the land into an endless warpath. And you’re in his way.


  1. i want his revive to be his passive 🙁

  2. So swains ultimate?

  3. Everything’s fine but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T CHANGE HIS VOICE!!!! “This battle will be my masterpiece” will forever rest in my memories ;<

  4. Why is everyone crying about the incoming reworks. I know it feels bad but you are forced to change somehow. BTW. My 2nd main was swain, it was painful because of his rework but now I like his style and adapted into him.

  5. Cool, Riven is getting some new skins.

  6. let the bodies hit the floor!!!!

  7. It’s literally Riven 2.0

  8. What is this? Aatrox nerf?

  9. When riven have period

  10. Riven: What are you?
    Aatrox: *I’m you but better*

  11. his abilities seem like they hit automatically -_-

  12. MakaveliCityRecords

    The old was better…??

  13. Now that is done I am waiting for akali’s rework

  14. I demand a Dunkmaster Aatrox skin

  15. WTF Is That Voice like an 15 year edge lord LOL

  16. Nice riven rework

  17. Let’s see. We have Aatrox(Top Laner), Rhaast aka Kayn(Jungler) and Varus(Adc).

    Now there’s only Mid and Supp left for two more Darkin.

  18. Should have had him kill one more champion to get that penta

  19. another wind blade?

    Saitama: O K

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