HORIZON: ZERO DAWN – It’s Got Metal Animals In It

Proper Jimpressions time. I really, really dig this game.

Check out my full review: http://www.thejimquisition.com/horizon-zero-dawn-review/


  1. My biggest issue that I saw with the game when they first showed it off was the fact that the main character was talking the entire time. If she isn’t then I have pretty much 0 issues with it…….I just get tired of handholding

  2. bought a ps4 for this. was not dissapointed

  3. I like her name, her father figure is called rust and she is alloy, blew my mind when I saw that for the first time. I think I’m too easily amused haha

  4. Far cry primal 2 looks great.

  5. Stronghans McIronuts

    Sure, Red Dead is a fantastic game but once you encounter ‘Manimals’ your love for the game goes right out the window and is replaced by fear.

    “A portal gun from Half Life” I’ll let it slide but c’mon Jim, you know better than that.

    The name Aloy kinda sounds like alloy which makes sense when you think of how humans have lived in the shadow of roboids.

  6. I might get this game in a couple of years, when I stop being so tired of Ubisoft-likes.

  7. Death Stranding is looking better every day.

  8. After I watched your joke video for this game, I got recommended videos about how this game is feminist help

  9. we dutch people make awesome games…sometimes 🙂

  10. I hope you can minimize the HUD/UI or something, why is it so far into the middle? aaaaaaah

  11. Why are people so hyped for this game again? It still looks no different from every other FarCry-like.

  12. I’d like to get married but no one would have me. There I said it.

  13. Why even bother buying an Xbox One at this point? Lmao.

  14. People were buttmad because this game apparently has “politics” which makes it bad. because everyone knows that Deus Ex, Metal Gear, and Bioshock all prove that politics and games don’t mix

  15. I thought about this game yesterday and you just made a video on it… Are you copying the superior Pog Boglin? Are you trying to leech my 102 subscribers!? Expect lawsuit in near future.

  16. Glitches get stitches! Honestly though, what an amazing game from the team that brought you Killzone… KILLZONE, PEOPLE! THEY WENT FROM KILLZONE TO THIS!

  17. I love Ubisoft open world games (I know, I am satan) so I would buy this game and I’d no doubt enjoy it.

    What I still don’t understand is why people think this is a WOWZA game. Is it literally just because it’s a PS4 exclusive? Because other than the setting, it’s simply nothing we haven’t seen before!

  18. So stabbing mechanimals to death doesn’t even startle them despite the noises and movement going on, just because the fact that you’re standing in tall grass? …. =/

  19. Haha fuck, did I say Portal Gun? I meant to say it has a Gravity Gun.

  20. The console warrior stuff nowadays is getting beyond a joke. Back in the olden times of the 90s it was “Sonic’s batter than Mario”, “Final Fight kicks Streets of Rage’s bum!”. Nowadays it’s frothing at the mouth, vile abuse and talking about reviewer conspiracies when an exclusive game dares to be good. At least back in the 90s it was kids and teenagers doing this stuff, nowadays it’s a bunch of “grown” people who absolutely should know better.
    Some of the ridiculous shit that gets thrown around nowadays regarding reviews makes me ashamed to be part of the same hobby as those people. I just don’t get how so many seemingly have their identities and allegiances tied to one particular lump of plastic and circuits to the point of losing all rationality. That so many just don’t seem to get what reviews are, well that just baffles me. Look at the abuse Jim got for his Mad Max review, a game that I’d wager the majority of people reading this comment probably haven’t thought about in a LONG time. That game was worth all that vitriol was it? Some real sad bastards out there nowadays.

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