When can Mario retire? | Unraveled

Mario has been working hard since 1981, so Brian David Gilbert unraveled when he’ll have enough coins to finally kick back on that beach chair in Boca.


  1. “When you say crucial do you mean optional” I felt that

  2. *”I googled Mario hyperinflation, and I got some exciting search results”* oh god

  3. the best bdg punchlines are when the video ends with him realizing he kins the video subject

  4. TheArtistsWings 9


  5. Unraveled, more like “BDG Has A Mental Breakdown: The Show”

  6. ♥Ms. PikaShiba156♥

    “Because God has cursed me for my hubris, and my work is never finished”

  7. Freeze-Dried Water

    “I’ve never seen anything so sad” Jesus Christ; I don’t think I laughed that hard in a while.

  8. Mattias Andersson

    I love how every single one of these videos starts out “normal”, but as the video progresses, Brian slowly descends deeper into madness

  9. “Man stuck in video game lore hell.”

    Never change, BDG.

  10. “If you never die then you can never retire.” This is false. There’s a concept in financial planning called the 4% rule. If you can live off of 4% of what you currently have in a 50/50 stock/bond split, it should last as long as the stock market is a thing. Technically, as long as it has reached the number you need to live off of 4%, then you should be able to maintain your standard of living even through bear markets (even if you just got to your retirement amount right before the bear market).

    Also, now’s a great time to start saving if you can manage it. The stock market is on sale. If you’re curious to learn more, I recommend looking into “financial independence retire early” or FIRE as some people call it.

    I understand that many people can not afford such a thing, and I wish you the best of luck in these trying times. Also, be politically active and don’t let your representatives cut or try to eliminate social security. They keep saying “we can’t afford it” so that eventually a bunch of voters will grow up believing it so they can cut it and not refund the money they forced you to save (but that they gladly used to bail out banks and other corporations at basically no interest). SS will keep countless elderly out of poverty, and be very valuable to those still in poverty.

  11. Calling out Virgil

    Brian in the video that made him get a job at Polygon: “I love Polygon, I love when you make funny videos, videos that calm me down and put me at ease.”
    Brian in this video: Gets me to question everything and get nervous about retiring and worry about him

  12. “a grown man tries to figure out a cartoon character’s financial future and in doing so has an existential crisis”

  13. It's Ya Boi Mocha Man

    I love how he avoiding mentioning that the person he was talking about with the financial advisor is a fictional character. It is pretty brilliant.

  14. “If mario can’t retire then that would mean I wo-”
    Enters : midlife crisis

  15. I’m so glad I can see nothing wrong, but I dread to fathom what twisted things go on inside your mind.

  16. @Nicole lukens I think he can keep the coins he collects, but he isnt paid traditionally.

  17. @Not Spoiler At All It’s just Mario and Luigi, but they’re doing their best.

  18. @Unknow0059 Their children pick up the slack or they end up in the cheapest retirement home they can find where they die from neglect. Yeah the US doesn’t take care of its elderly.

  19. Wouldn’t notice? That was pretty easy to notice, IMO.

  20. His idea of retirement isn’t realistic though. People don’t just save every dollar they have in a savings account and live off it when they retire. Instead, they invest it in a pension, 401k, or some IRA and live off a percentage of the money made from it. For instance, if you had an IRA with $360k that went up 10% every year, you’d live off of 10% every year giving you $36k like he was saying in the vid. Investments are definitely weird but givin enough time putting in they can make serious $$$

  21. BoyzHub hyper inflation >~>

  22. @Unknow0059 my mom’s “retired” living with my brother and his family. Sometimes she gets upset with them because they don’t give her an allowance.

  23. @Mac Kobalt mario but as a balloon. ding-dong is string. i am sorry

  24. Oh no he forgot to account for the extra lives >_>

  25. Castlevania enemies flashbacks

  26. It’s like they made a joke about that or something. Weird, right?

  27. @Mac Kobalt oh my pure sweet summer child. You couldn’t even imagine the depths of the void that is the corruption of the internet.

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