Destiny 2 Development Update: Too Little, Too Late?

You guys know I don’t make a lot of videos of this nature, and I’ve put off formally discussing my thoughts regarding Destiny 2 for a while now. Honestly, I didn’t know where to begin, and seemingly every week brought new controversy and greater discontent.

However, with Bungie talking about the next year, it seemed appropriate to finally get some things off my chest, even just for the sake of catharsis. I tried my best to keep this somewhat focused despite the realization that I could easily discuss D2 for much longer.

(Destiny 2 development update:

– tW

Songs: Music of The Spheres – The Path, The Tribulation, The Ecstasy, The Hope

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  1. almost cried when you showed the videos of d1 ?

  2. Did anyone else get the biggest grin on their face when they say D1 gameplay. D1 was a game. D2 is a product.

  3. Triple 10,000% nailed exactly what I’m felling. Fantastic video. It’s ALL spot on, I really hope Bungie sees this, I hope they can change. For me I’m moving on, I hope they can make Destiny 3 right, I won’t preorder or buy it until months after when everyone can examine to see if Bungie learned or has continued their mistakes. But DAMN good video and thoughts.

  4. tripleWRECK doesn’t talk much but when he does we should listen listen. you too bungie. just listening to that music makes me want to play D1 again.

  5. I think random rolls should have stayed as well

  6. I just can’t believe they removed these features in the first place, time that’s being used to bring them back could of been used to make new stuff, smh.

  7. Mightea | Gaming & Entertainment

    I can only assume from the changes they’ve made must be more profitable for them. I wouldn’t be surprised to learn D2 has more casual players that keep the Eververse engine going than D1 did.

  8. They don’t care about the 1% and now look at them grasping for air. I don’t plan on returning with these notes because for the past 3 years i have always said “the potential” and seeing where it went gives me a hint of regret over and over.

  9. Ronaldas Latanauskas

    i miss my friend most of all , they all gone to different games …

  10. I loved Destiny 1. I came home from school and played for hours on end with friends from my hometown, and all across the country. It genuinely helped me through one of the toughest points in high school. It was fun, addicting, and gave me a sense of accomplishment. It admittedly had a rough launch, but it became a great game toward the end of it’s life. That rough launch was why I decided to wait 2 weeks before deciding whether or not I wanted to spend 60 dollars on Destiny 2. I’m glad I waited. I saw the fun ripped out of the game that I had once loved, and in it’s place, a hollow shell filled with nothing more than micro-transactions. I saved my money and decided to leave my memory of Destiny a positive one. It’s so sad to see something with so much potential spit in the face of it’s core player base.

  11. This was an incredible video man…… Very well spoken and Its nice to see someone else be honest about whats happening with D2. I love the franchise and all, but its really sad seeing it be the way it is…. What you began saying around 8:00 is true, I dont understand why they listened to nothing we enjoyed in D1 and brought a game that was nothing we asked for what so ever

  12. There shouldn’t be a ‘live team’ at this point. There should just be one team – Bungie – with all of them working to deliver the needed improvements. Waiting until Q4 2018 is simply too long.

    Great video mate.

  13. I agree with all the points you made 100%

  14. The amount of personal testimonies and stories have been especially moving, I really appreciate you all sharing how Destiny’s evolution has effected you. I sincerely hope we’ll see a return to the magic that made us fans in the first place.

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