Studio Killer EA Shuts Down Visceral Games

EA is a serial killer of studios. Two years ago I said Visceral was coming soon on the kill list. I wish I wasn’t right.

#VisceralJobs on Twitter for those at Visceral looking for work.


  1. i am very sad now 🙁
    how amazing would it be if visceral all formed themselves back together under a new name and released deadspace 4 with no publisher

  2. So I guess EA is more like American Psycho / Patrick Bateman. No code of honour for that lunatic.
    But wow… Literally every single time (and the Bioware we once knew is already gone anyway).

  3. So, we can moan the loss of Visural and curse EA to hell all we want. However, that doesn’t mean shit to EA. As long as we’re buying their products… Which brings me to announce, from this point forward, don’t buy any games by EA. If they want to treat us and developers like shit, we’ll treat them like shit and not buy their products. Please, if you care about the industry as a whole, do not support EA. If you just have to buy one of their games, do so from a third party that had already bought their games. That way EA doesn’t receive any more money. Please, for the good of the industry!

  4. BioWare is going to be next.

  5. They killed so many good games… ( Why EA still exists at this point?

  6. Genuinely gutted by this news as the chance of Dead Space 4 is now zero – I’m an upbeat and a level headed all round nice person but i fucking hate EA and Activsion with all of my heart as they are destroying the games industry.

  7. Money matter in business. We all know that. Only thing that matters.

  8. I’m not buying the game then going to Email EA saying I was looking for that new Visceral Star Wars game that was coming out, but I can’t find the Visceral logo on any of the games anymore… guess I won’t give you my money after all.

  9. Actually Jim I disagree, EA does have a code of honor, they just proceed to fuck it in the ass any chance they get.

  10. I hope Respawn can get out of there soon, so we can keep getting good games from them.

  11. This makes me fear for respawn and the titanfall frienchise…

  12. Holy crap I forgot all about Battlefield Hardline. Did that ever come out? I heard literally nothing about it after the trailers hit

  13. With Mass Effect Dead, no new SP Star Wars Games fear Bioware is next if Anthem flops

  14. Horror games not major blockbusters?… Ahh the good old days of Resident Evil 4… We got 2 movie sequels out of that bitch.

  15. Why does everyone shit on Dead Space 3? It’s not as good as 2, but god damn did it have some of the best Co-op in a game I’ve ever seen!

  16. i received a swag bag from zach at visceral 2 weeks ago i,m gutted that EA see fit to destroy the company that made the best game i have ever played Hardline is my BAE

  17. 1) A great game development studio exists
    2) EA buys said game development studio
    3) EA starts interfering with instead of supporting the studio
    4) Most devs quit
    5) Devs found a new studio
    6) GOTO 1

    Needs to happen.

  18. One fairly decent animated movie and one really weirdly done cgi movie that was kinda bad but I really wanted some of the ideas in it to work :/

  19. EA are the fucking devil and whoever signs the contract is selling its soul to it, what an enormous bunch of sons of a bitch.

  20. I love bioware so much, EA owning the company and all my favourite ips makes me so worried. I also blame ME:a’s game state on EA and the way they force bioware to make their games

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