SAFE HOUSE – Cool Spy Stuff

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  1. Vote Labour

  2. Cute Rabbit Videos

    You’ve got some work to do!

  3. What’s with the audio in your videos being slightly right-set in the audio balance?

  4. Goodlight Greenstuff will never die!

  5. So a Fallout shelter-a-like

  6. I haven’t seen you look at a promising Greenlight game up to this point, I am bamboozled and cautiously aroused

  7. Is it just me, or did Jim not seem all that overly-enthusiastic here. Compared to some of his other GLGS videos, like say, Fox n Forests, he didn’t come off all that hyped. Actually, came off mostly annoyed at *having* to pick something other than a sidescroller again.

  8. The main game this reminds me of is ‘Evil Genius,’ if only the two could be combined somehow so you could have versus mode.

  9. Growlithe Ninedeenine

    Where is tasty?

  10. This make anyone else want Evil Genius 2?

  11. Its sort of like reverse Evil Genius meets Fallout Shelter eh?

  12. Bambi in Distress

    My right ear enjoyed this.

  13. Jim, you gotta sort out the audio pan on your voice

  14. This game looks cool and all but you know what could really improve it? If it had pixel art… and was a platformer…. and was based on every good SNES game and used that to bait people to back it on kickstarter.

  15. “It’s not a pixel platformer, so you can shut up.”

    -Jim Sterling. April 23, 2017.

  16. Jim should do some follow-ups on the games in this series that come out on Steam. Snowflake’s Chance has been up for a while and I’ve been enjoying it, but it appears that Jim’s Greenlight video of the game is by far the most wide-reaching coverage the game’s gotten. Would like to see what he thinks of the game now that it’s out, and it really does seem like the game could use a decent ‘signal boost’. It’s that sort of game that would never hit mainstream but it’s ripe for gathering a cult following~

  17. So it’s like sim tower?

  18. Looks fun and I love the style. Reminds me of The Marvellous Miss Take.

  19. Kevin The Skeleton

    Too bad stuff like this won’t exist when Greenlight is gone (then again neither will the usual shit we see).

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