Why won’t we play Minecraft??

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The 7th anniversary spinner pin designed as a collaboration between Suzy Berhow (www.psychiccircleoddities.com) and Vanduobones (@vanduobones on Twitter), it will be available on http://gamegrumps.com/merch on Thursday!!

Arin and Dan answer hot Qs and spill reasonably warm Ts before diving into the warm embrace of where are we again? Hey Google, What is a good video description? Whelp, here we go!

Your normally scheduled episode of 10 Minute Power Hour is coming out on Thursday this week because it is a VERY SPECIAL EPISODE!

1) A discrete math professor using Game Grumps as an example to teach!
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  1. So you’re telling me the new merch item is an anniversary FIDGET PINNER?

  2. Q: What do fans shout at you?
    A: Danny and Arnold, I love those guys!

  3. Don’t worry about what others are doing, play Minecraft however you think is most fun and I’m sure we’ll all appreciate the content. Also, don’t worry about the game’s popularity, the community is very friendly and laid-back towards most creators I’ve seen. P.S. If you’re going to play it please play multiplayer I wanna see Dan play too.

  4. If, in the very unlikely event that I ran into The Grumps I would say “Hellllllloooooooo!”

  5. Can you remind suzie we all miss her on her channels?

    Also I’m excited for the next power hour!

  6. 3:47 If I want to shake their hands, I can just go ” *grab my hand* “.

  7. Play some puzzle maps like your friends the Yogscast 😀

  8. 1 hour of Arin and JackSepticEye teaching Dan how to punch trees?

  9. You could always play skywars or one of the other various minecraft minigames.

  10. “There are green mean people called peepers”

    Dan Sexbang – 2019

  11. “They’re called…..(wait for it) Peepers” oh Dan how we love you dearly

  12. I think something like Guild Grumps but with Minecraft would be entertaining.

    • Hugh Plunkett this. This is the best method. If they could get like JackSepticEye to be the one teaching them would be great!!

  13. “That thing where I was pouring M&M’s into your mouth, that was surreal”
    Yeah I have that as my desktop background. The content aware scaled one. I paused it just as arin was screaming “AAAAARGH” at the end and put it up as my background so now whenever I feel shitty, I close down a tab, see that, and it takes the edge off of feeling bad.

  14. So when we getting Obama in Game Grumps or The Grumps. I want him to say Danny and Arnold.

  15. A: I love Ben’s editing skills. He’s just as funny as Dan and Arin.
    B: I really enjoy this show. Hearing the Grumps in a laid back setting. They’re such relatable guys.
    C: I adore Allie’s giggle whenever some offhand joke catches her by surprise.

  16. In fairness, Disney has built an empire on other people’s ideas.

  17. With ‘that voice’

    Stayin’ off the booze?

  18. I like the idea of playing minecraft but I don’t think it would work very well in a 15 minute episodic format. I feel like that’s just too little time to get anything accomplished. It would probably be best in large batches like on streams.

    • Agreed – Sure, they could play for a good while and then trim the episodes down to normal length, but it would be less financially beneficial than playing other games for that same amount of time and turning all of it into the maximum number of episodes.

      I mean, I’d love to see real-time Minecraft with these guys, but it would be the most frustrating content ever.

  19. @M *UH-HUH UH-HUH UH-HUH!*

  20. @Choleric Charmander the game boy.. It will be eternally misquoted

  21. i know he’s talked about jam bands on the channel, but i didn’t know he was a head. (~);}

  22. @Tyler H Haha i do remember him referencing Phish at some point, so I kind of assumed he at least knew of the dead.

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