UK Officials Say Loot Boxes Are Gambling In Damning Report

A thoroughly damning report published by the House of Commons has said that loot boxes should be considered the same way gambling is and be subject to the same regulations. It argues children should be outright barred from accessing them.

The newly published Immersive and Addictive Technologies report has an entire section on loot boxes where it pretty much validates everything I’ve been saying on the matter. Of particular note, FIFA came under heavy fire, and the game industry itself was called out for a lack of honesty in discussing loot boxes.

I read the juicy highlights of the report, but you can read the full thing here:

#LootBoxes #UK #Regulation #Gambling #JimSterling #IndustryBS


  1. Happy National Videogames Day.

    Yes, that’s what day it apparently is. Perfect day for this story to drop.

  2. Is It Worth A Sandwich

    NBA 2k adds a literal Casino you can spend real money at and gets to keep its rating Pokemon has to stop doing the Game Corner mini games to keep theirs.

  3. I sent the Committee a ton of information regarding lootboxes, including my own personal experiences working at EA and their quest to extract every single penny they could from consumers. I included references to many videos (including yours Jeff) – together with reports in detail at how those from the gaming industry who faced the panel, outright lied. Lets keep the pressure on, so the Government make it law asap.

  4. Come on Gam(bl)e Industry, you have more emloyees you can force to downvote this, at least give it a try 😉

  5. This report is just pure GOLD! Finally a politician that understood the problem and how this scam works!

  6. that’s a good one for ea to use on their next splash screen…

    “EA SPORTS, Willfully obtuse.”

  7. Not enough popcorn on Earth… Let the schadenfreude begin! =D

  8. 10:12 That reaction. That “I’ve not been yelling at a wall for years!” reaction.

  9. It’s almost as if Jim himself wrote some of this UK report. I had a huge smile the entire time I was watching this video. 😀

  10. “Pride and Accomplishment”
    “Surprise Mechanics”

    God, these companies are so full of bullshit.
    Good to see that they might be taken to task.

    The irony of it being the House of Commons doing that isn’t lost on me though.

  11. Happisak's Happi Place.

    Ban all lootboxes in all games, no matter the age. You don’t need them, its just greed. Pure greed.

  12. I'm Not Using My Real Name

    It also should be illegal to add gambling after release without having the warning label on the boxes prior.

  13. They aren’t coming for your slimy hides game industry, it’s “surprise legislation.”

  14. I hope this causes the goverment implement its own “supise mechanic” as in “supprise” your banned!

  15. I would love for developers to make money off of good games and not shitty monetization.

  16. Don’t forget, the industry call those children “Whales”.

  17. EA: We would never sell lootboxes to kids.
    UK government: great.
    EA: great.
    UK goverment: good to hear.
    EA: you’re welcome.
    UK government: thank you.
    Ea: btw would you like to buy our suprise mechanics? XD

  18. Lootboxes are not a gateway to, they ARE problem gambling

  19. id really like to see EA and Activision Blizzard go bust because of the massive Greed and lies.

  20. “That’s just the UK’s interpretation of the law…”
    Every EA executive ever.

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