Best Game.


  1. Yeah, I guess you could say I play Oblivion…
    O – respect
    b – wamen
    l –
    i –
    v –
    i –
    o –
    n –

  2. Oblivion IS the greatest game ever made. Skyrim is nothing compared to Oblivion.

  3. It’s still one of the best games out there today even with all of the flaws

  4. *Reads title* Ehhhh…. Probably just the regular old clickbait
    *Looks at Thumbnail* HOLY SHIT IS THAT OBLIVION

  5. This game was revolutionary for his time
    This was probably the best looking game of his time
    This had every character voiced
    The physics engine was revolutionary on such a big scale
    The music composed by Jeremy Soul is amazing

    People don’t give it enough credit, which is sad.

  6. Skyrim is my city…..

  7. To all likes:

    Yes, we are all first

    Yes, we watch the video with socks

    Yes, we are lying in bed while we are looking

    Yes, we do not have a go at school

    Yes, we look forward to summer holidays

    No we do not subscribe

    No we liken your comment not even if there is: “Like this comment when you love your mother”

    And those who say (we push the dislikes here and there) you can push them in the ass.

  8. I’ve never laughed and feeled so good inside, while watching this stupid video.

  9. *ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-*

  10. Oblivion is still better than Skyrim even with its old graphics, hilarious glitches and awkward speeches

  11. Literally no one on this comment section has actually commented on this video ? it’s all about his deleted video, like do people not look at the other comments before commenting the same exact thing? We get it his videos deleted….

  12. Oblivion is a master piece man

  13. hahaha i got to see the :king of fidget before it was deleted!! best video ever so far !!!

  14. Skull face Entertaining Vids Pasta reader 96


  15. this game is still really good

  16. VIDEO WAS DELETED BUT HE DIDNT SWEAR!FAmily friendly felix,family friendly felix

  17. *He just made the game relevant again*

  18. Sexy Bikini Girls Channel

    I miss the old pewdiepie… ?

  19. Oblivion is my city

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