TANK MAOKAI vs TANK NAUTILUS – Auto Attacks Battle! How long will it be?

Music: Zero-project – Still breathing (Visit http://www.zero-project.gr/ for more!)
Thanks for all the subs, likes, comments and shares! Helps me a lot!


  1. Possibly one of the longest Auto Attacks battle in history… (Would you like to see me trying to actually reach longest 1v1?)
    Request is a request, I had no choice but to do it! TBH though I was honored to be mentioned during LCK game and do the test for Achilios and PapaSmithy :).

  2. Oh and the reason Maokai actually won the tries, is that his base stats (AD/Armor/Attack Speed are better).
    He might have lost the last try, but we won’t ever find that out :<.


  4. Chitresh Mahendran

    Bronze late game 1v1 battles in a nutshell.

  5. A Caster actually referenced you that’s amazing!!

  6. Hitpoints had been disabled due to an in-game bug.

  7. He actually said your name
    Not bad
    Not bad at all

  8. Konstantinos Manolakos

    The last time I came that early, my sister got really angry.

  9. Oh and the reason Maokai actually won the tries, is that his base stats (AD/Armor/Attack Speed are better).
    He might have lost the last try, but we won’t ever find that out :<.

  10. You should work at riot and test all those things

  11. Funny how they asked u, don’t u feel amazing how everyone loves ur hard work

  12. We have disabled Maokai and Nautilus because they are still fighting in Vandiril’s custom game.

  13. Legend says they are still fighting.

  14. Legend says that Nautilus and Maokai are still having an auto attack war…

  15. But Vandril, Naut had finished frozen heart and Maokoi just had the glacial shroud. Naut may have won if he had it finished and Maokoi didn’t.

  16. Jhin The Virtuoso

    Meanwhile these tanks kill adcs in a few seconds

  17. I cant stop laughing because he said your name in the cast. Dont know why 😀

  18. mundo vs garen (no abilities, max hp)
    cho gath vs zac (max hp, no abilities)
    rammus vs malphite (full armor)


    So mao won even though naut has an aa buff and colossus? Balanced

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