Doom Guy (The Jimquisition) Clearance The new Doom is good. That’s not really a secret anymore, it’s basically scientific fact. id Software’s surprising triumph is full of great details, but by far the crowning achievement is the way it portrays the player character. Let us celebrate the Doom Guy!

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Newtendo (The Jimquisition) Clearance If you cannot stand to hear criticism of Nintendo games, you might want to skip this one. Consider that your content warning. This video does not even entertain the possibility that the controls for Star Fox Zero are anything other than total garbage trash.

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Prepare To Die (The Jimquisition) Clearance Git gud or go home! That’s what a super hardcore Dark Souls fan will tell you. But is that fair? Dark Souls III, like all Dark Souls games, is being marketed on its difficulty, and the audience swallows that idea up. However, it’s reductive and misguided as…

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