Sephiroth Kills Dumbledore: A Video About Spoiler Culture (The Jimquisition)

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Spoilers are a touchy subject. They have been for decades, and the explosion of mainstream “nerd” culture has only made it touchier. People don’t want movies, books, shows, or games ruined for them by learning big shocks, twists, and plot points ahead of time.

This is fair, and when something like Final Fantasy VII Remake happens, it opens the question – is the statute of limitations on spoilers altered when something’s remade? Even for something as famous as Final Fantasy VII?

On top of that, we must look at spoiler culture as a whole, our obsession with the notion of spoilers, and who our fear of them really benefits (spoiler, it’s corporations).


  1. Oh, yes that famous Australian band “The Beatles” and their hit “The Yellow Boat”.

  2. It’s funny, because I’m in my mid 50’s and I know for a fact I’ve listened to more Billie Eilish! She’s awesome! Van Halen – they’re ok.

  3. I once was talking to a friend who had just started playing Bayonetta and he got mad at me mentioning the punishment attacks because he said it was a spoiler… I don’t really understand spoiler culture very well.

  4. “Just because the world works some way for you, doesn’t mean it works that way for everyone.”

    British Colonial Empire: Well, shit.

  5. BACK IN MY DAY, “is it secret; is it safe?” was a quote from Marathon Man! Damn kids! But thank God for Jim Sterling.

  6. Remember when while you were playing single-player games with friends watching, they would tell you dodge an incoming attack or something and you hated that even though it was actually good advice?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  7. I’m not going to get mad at Billie Eilish for not knowing who Van Halen is. I’m 62 and prior to this video, I’d never heard of her. Fair’s fair, I guess.

  8. The Frugal Videogamer

    “It’s his sled. It was his sled from when he was a kid. There, I just saved you two long, boobless hours.”

  9. spoiler: Jim is born different, born innocent, born perfect, he’s not like you

  10. One of my mom’s co-workers back in the 90’s didn’t want people to spoil the movie Apollo 13… “Don’t tell me how it ends”

  11. “Sephiroth Kills Dumbledore” dude wth, that naruto ending spolier, not cool man, not cool.

  12. Love the Fern Gully pics. Something gets spoiled, “Can’t you feel it’s pain?”

  13. Mario lore makes Dark Souls’ seem like a coloring book.

  14. I had this moment over Final Fantasy itself. I was playing it in a doctor’s office waiting for my mom to get out and I was playing it on my phone. This ten-year-old asked me what I was playing. I said Final Fantasy and he didn’t know, and I didn’t know how to explain it because it’s just so intrinsic to gaming for me. Well, I showed him and he thought it was neat for an old game, and hey if it got him to look into retro gaming, cool!

    I don’t get offended when someone doesn’t know what I like. I get excited because my introverted ass gets to share something.

  15. “I used to be with it but then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it and what’s it seems weird and scary to me. And it’ll happen to You!” – Abe Simpson.

  16. Spoiler Alert: Jim says “thank god for me” at the end

  17. This an interesting watch, and certainly has me reconsidering my own take and response on spoilers.

  18. Heard in a cinema years ago: “So, after it sank …” “Oh, don’t tell me the ending!”

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