[NEW SEASONAL EVENT] Welcome to Overwatch Uprising!

Overwatch archive declassification complete. Welcome, agents: http://blizz.ly/OWU2017

For a limited time, we’re rewinding the future and giving you the chance to relive history in our latest in-game event: Overwatch Uprising! Join Tracer on her very first mission in a new cooperative brawl and unlock pieces of the past with over 100 themed Loot Box items—including skins, highlight intros, emotes, sprays, and more.

These archives are yours to explore, but only until May 1.


  1. “100 new items”
    all of them are sprays

  2. I like how blizzard decides to release this the day I leave for a 2 and a half week vacation

  3. looks like blizzard found out about man vs machine

  4. The small Omnics look like the Ninja Turtle enemy robots.


  6. Gee Mercy! Why does Blizzard give you all the legendary skins!

  7. Call of Duty: Black ops 2 backwards compatibility

    Yooka Laylee launches

    Overwatch uprising event

    Please let me breath. I can’t take all of this.

  8. at this point, blizzard could just take a class from tf2 and no one would care.

  9. Finally, a MvM update!
    Thanks VALVe

  10. SHADE A.I Gaming Chamber


  11. A-mei-zing!

  12. 1:18: What you want
    1:40: What you’re probably going to get

  13. If only I could play this game at a stable 60 FPS x(

  14. I will marry mercy one day…

  15. tfw when your laptop is broken and it will only be fixed by May 10

  16. Excited but low key- high key triggered there’s no hanzo legendary, FOR THE 5th TIME

  17. DTinaglia Studios

    Tracer looks great except for the dumbass hat

  18. I swear my pants were on a second ago…

  19. This is nothing like MvM. Yeah, robotic waves, but multiple capture/defend points, different robot enemies, a payload, and some other assorted events, with story-telling.

  20. 1. Possible testing grounds on campaign?
    2. Did anybody else notice Tracer got skinnier before update?

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