NEVER PLAY THIS 💀 | Inside the Backrooms (With Cartoonz)

🎵 Outtro song: By SpacemanChaos!

#H2ODelirious #Delirious #VanossCrew


  1. Whoop! Awesome to see ya two playing again B) tbh they should definitely make a sequel or at least add more cuz this game could be Huge!

  2. Alexandria Robinson

    A suggestion, have you tried Malum yet? It’s a really good horror game and it is on PC.
    Also, this is a really good game it’s so funny when you scream it makes horror games so much less scary

  3. finally Ive been waiting for this I loved watching cartoonz vid of the backrooms but i still wanted to watch delirious POV as well

  4. This was soooo much fun. I enjoyed this video so so so very much. Thank you!

  5. Idk how they missed the guns, past 3 in the entire video

  6. It’s sad seing there views go down so much all the vanoss crew is starting to become non- relevant

  7. This game is not a accurate backroom creation

  8. You should play more horror games like this!

  9. Absolutely miss your duo with Cartoonz! Hope the boys will also play back again! Bring back the team games with Cartoonz, Squirrel, and Rilla!

  10. yo my man play call of duty: warzone

  11. YouTube Piano Player

    when delirious meets spider legs: *Cawing Intensifies*

  12. “it’s a 2 way mirror: something’s watching us!”
    wait, isn’t a 2 way mirror a window?

  13. Can’t wait to see more

  14. Delirious please play madison for your next play through

  15. Chivati-💖 𝐹**СК МЕ - СНЕ𝒞𝒦 𝑀𝒴 Р𝑅𝟢𝐹𝐼𝐿Е🔞

    Hey Delirious. You and Toonz should try out SCP: Containment Breach for more adventures in a scary zone, and there’s at least 3 Teddy bears in the game.

  16. Delirious?

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