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  1. Is tha freaking Jihi!!!!!! I was literally hoping for her to join this game!! I’m too excited 😂

  2. Wish Alex and Anthony would join it will be hilarious seeing those 2 scream

  3. Jihiiiiiiiii! Oh my goooooood! ❤❤❤❤❤

  4. This is absolute chaos. I enjoyed this stream but Ngl the other streams were better. It’s too many people talking over each other! I think six to eight players max with everyone working together to achieve the goals and have shenanigans would be best.

  5. The jet pack with squirrels 😂

  6. YariTubeYT - TV Shows, Movies, Games, Stuff & More

    We playing together without Cartoonz!

  7. H20 been going hard for 10 years but plus

  8. 1:50:00 😂🤣

  9. I like the 4 squad way more. This many people takes away of the whole vibe the game has imo

  10. This really is the best stream. So many deaths and laughs. From Squirrel being an imposter killing people to Delirious using lightning killing people xD The dogs and Chrono are the MVP, killing most of the team and Chrono doing some of the most insane saves. Really enjoyed it

  11. hopfully the mods get plenty of support

  12. It was funny, but way to much chaos😅
    I wish cartoonz was there to delegate 🤣

  13. this is awesome tho

  14. If your just gonna make videos all day I’m watching Every last one

  15. Someone needs to give a loot bug a turned on boombox

  16. Squrriel wanted to kill everyone and would’ve gotten away with it to if it hadn’t have been for a meddling chrono and his dumb dog

  17. I like Lethal Company as it is interesting to watch.
    This? This was just giving me a headache.

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