Minecraft But It’s Raining Arrows!

Survive the raining arrows and you win. They never stop.


  1. *imagine he does the Minecraft ideas in real life*

  2. Olo o
    Jordan Gonen Qi.

  3. Lord Jimmy believe it or not I was actually your 30th subscriber on this channel

  4. Jimmy falls in lava
    Also Jimmy:
    “Your mom! I hate your mom!”

  5. If they say that u suck or their being very toxic then punish them

  6. The John Brothers

    Peter McCue wait when did he say that

  7. he just has bad luck today.

  8. Alex Does Gaming!

    Bill Perron wtf

  9. So, since Karl technically died the least amount of times, does this mean he finally gets his Face Cam?

  10. Help me reach 0.35k subs with a few videos!

    Who else watched the video *before* AND *after* he changed the logo?

  11. I think this is the first time im hearing Jimmy screaming and getting mad lol

  12. When you realize mr. Beast changed his logo

    Edit: he changed it back

  13. Here in history when Mr beast changed his Mr beast gaming picture

  14. Jimmy had steak in his inventory in the 3rd course so he has to eat a sock.

  15. Heck yeah! Jimmy and I have the same headset!

  16. Ikr it makes me uncomfortable

  17. Rome wasn’t built in a day and jimmys commitment shows how much he wanted this and how hard he tryed you are a legend

  18. @Peter McCue
    One of the reasons they stopped on the main channel is because of that omnipresent yellow dollar sign.

  19. It’s really scary lol I feel like he could kill someone if he wanted.

  20. Play real life minecraft on a deserted island.

  21. 8:17 MrBeast literally sounded like a whiny 9 year old lmao

  22. Died and if you have a Spawn in your home you will appear there and if you dont have it Do Tp to your friends in the Map

    Sorry for my english Is that i speak spanish

  23. Arnie the Purple Dinosaur

    @Tomas Uricoechea You could try using Google translate to make it easier but its not that accurate

  24. I feel so bad i can relate

  25. Competitive games get the best of you

  26. Tomas Uricoechea

    @Arnie the Purple Dinosaur ok bro

  27. You call the 9yo cringy.HoW DaR3 YoU

  28. Madeline Waddell

    Time stamp?

  29. MoooOMM cRHiS sAId tHE f WOrd

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