Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order – Inadequate Alliance (Jimpressions)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order just doesn’t feel particularly ultimate. It feels rushed, incomplete, and woefully imbalanced.

With more time to develop, this could have been something cool, but instead it requires a lot of legwork before it becomes slightly fun, and the effort’s just not worth it.


  1. But with more than adequate Venom butt wiggling.


  3. I agree. I loved the X-Men Legends games, and the Ultimate Alliance (1 & 2) games were also pretty good, but this one felt like they tried to compress dev. time way too much.

  4. The Fantastic Paul

    Did Wasp EnBiggen a friggin’ Fidget Spinner to attack Electro?

  5. the angry australian

    Even Jimpressions keep improving in quality…and still…no Boglinwatch 2019, i think i speak on behalf of at least 30 000 of us when i say that we demand answers EDIT: are you trying to destroy dreams

  6. 100% agree. also, f*ck the “synergy attacks required” trial garbage

  7. For those that dont understand the grenade reference. It first appeared in CoD2 where if were playing the single player campaign and you were taking cover behind something. The enemy Ai would suddenly have an unlimited supply of grenades Like as if Hitler popped into walmart and saw a 3 for one special on grenades, bought the entire supply and distributed it among the soldiers.

    On normal mode it wasnt as bad but the harder you cranked the Ai up, the harder it rained grenades. Its an absolute meme.

  8. OtakuDante's Gaming Inferno

    Sounds like they were forcing a grind to possibly make up for the lack of proper content.

  9. I do agree with the AI being useless for the most part.

    But I’ve got to respectfully disagree for the most part, primarily the having fun in the game.

    I have played on Mighty from the start and I’ve really enjoyed the game very much, i feel in a world of micro-transations this game is loaded with content.

    I enjoy playing the Infinity trials solo and/or Co-Op, the story i have finished in 2 player Co-Op.

  10. I’m personally having a lot of fun with it, but I can see how some of its drawbacks can strongly frustrate other people

  11. Transcendent Creators

    I feel like a game like this would benefit from learning from Warriors games. Like I think Super Heroes should feel like they can take down a horde of normal mooks and just like bosses, mid bosses are a threat.

  12. I really, really miss Marvel Heroes, especially back when it was good.

  13. Me: Man, they sure don’t make ’em like they used to.

    Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: *has the same shitty online support as MUA2, which came out nearly 13 years ago*

    Me: Well-played, Tecmo-Koei…

  14. The best way to make them feel like the over powered heroes that they are supposed to be….. get Omega Force on the job.

  15. Idk I got through this pretty fine playing couch coop with a friend or two.

    I’d complain about the camera more than anything

  16. Um, but Deadpool is into chimichangas not tacos…. 0/10, WORST, GAME, EVER!!!

  17. Ett Gammalt Bergtroll

    Everybody: Was that a fucking fidget spinner?!? >:(

    Me: Did… Did anyone else see the Green Goblin JoJo reference…? :O

  18. The first MUA game was soooo fun, lota of content, lots of stuff to unlock (crazu unlock and not just pay more) a decent challenge sometimes and replay value ,and it had so many iconic heroes and villains. the 2nd was an improvement in some areas but a big letdown in others and now…eehhh?

  19. Ultra mega disagree on this. Game was super fun. There are a number of annoying enemies, mainly the big guys that charge at you when there’s like 6 at once, and snipers. A couple of the bosses were very annoying too, but for the most part, the rank and file guys were extremely easy to deal with if you had good synergy attacks. I only played as Wolverine, but I think he’s actually possibly broken, so at least with him, most enemies and bosses were not hard to deal with. Playing with a couple of friends for most of the game was also very enjoyable. Lot of the trials suck though, that’s for sure.

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