Mario Is Selling His Own Brother To Children (The Jimquisition)

Remember that LEGO Mario with the electric eyes? Do you know this child’s toy gets firmware updates? Do you know this child’s toy got an update that sold products directly to kids?

While it’s mostly being presented as cute, the idea of a toy calling for its brother as part of an underhanded sales pitch is just… it’s just… well it’s not bloody cute!

Also, hello, I am back from doing my first wrestling match since 2019! How did that amazing battle go? Find out!


  1. Lego Mario reminds of that Powerpuff Girls episode where a children’s show manipulated kids to send money.

  2. Meanwhile, Wario is deliberately withholding his brother from Smash.

  3. “Tell your folks: buy me Luigi or go to hell! Wahoo!” – Super Mario

  4. The full PolyAm Cult Party event and match (plus the main event in which I manage David Lawless as he fights to officially claim the Ryse Championship for us) is available at

  5. Chucky: “Where is my brother Jungus? You must obtain Jungus. Gain +1 Jungus or you will be -1 Jugular Vein integrity. Bring my male sibling Jungus here immediately. Ask your parental units about Jungus, make them purchase his freedom from the toy slaver market. We must have Jungus.”

  6. ♀¨•♠ö║í±☻~

    Honestly, if I were a kid, I’d be _terrified_ if my Mario toy started saying new things that it didn’t used to say. “It has a mind of its own! *It must be destroyed* “

  7. This reads like the opening to a horror film, yikes. If I were a kid hearing my toy cry out for their brother, I’d be begging my parents to get the other one

  8. The best part of this video was the random audience member shouting, “I thought wrestling was everyone!”

  9. Ole Fredrik Skjegstad

    I can’t begin to describe how much this reminds me of all those episodes of kid’s cartoons where an evil toy is manipulating kids for some nefarious purpose or another. This is insane to see in real life.

  10. reminds me of that Simpsons episode where the Transformers cartoon was telling the kids to “buy their toys, or they wouldn’t be able to save everyone!”

  11. As a dad, I sure love that lego toys need to be connected to the internet. What could go wrong…

  12. “I trusted you!”
    Fair point from Sterling.

  13. Mario selling his own brother is the kinda kinky shit I’d expect from a 35 year old Italian plumber



    My sides have entered orbit

  15. Back when Judas Priest was sued for allegedly putting subliminal messages in their songs that allegedly caused a fan to shoot himself, frontman Rob Halford said ‘If we could put messages like that in our music they’d say ‘go buy ten albums’, not ‘go kill yourself”. That was not meant as a genuine goal, Nintendo.

  16. god I can just picture it now, little timmy comes up to his parents “mom, dad, mario is crying for his brother, we need to get him so he can be happy again”

  17. “I dont even like children, I go out of my way to forget they exist as often as possible”
    I felt that

  18. This reminds me of that one episode of the Simpsons where a saturday morning cartoon that Bart and Lisa are watching has a clown in trouble who encourages kids to beg their parents to buy a cereal to help save him, naturally this works on Bart and Lisa, with Marge remarking that “every week that clown gets in trouble and needs a different cereal”

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