Kayn Champion Spotlight | Gameplay – League of Legends

Welcome to the Kayn Champion Spotlight.


  1. Looks like he could’ve been on “Soul Eater”

  2. I am simple man… I see dead teemo i press like

  3. Kayn: ADC in 2k17
    Rhaast; Tanks in 2k17

  4. They should make a skin where he is a regular guy and call him “Citizen Kayn”

  5. So is the Darkin that takes him over the same “things” Aatrox is? Because Aatrox is called The Darkin Blade?

  6. Zorro del Demonio

    Can you please stop giving every fucking new champion the capacity of ignoring walls? I’m tired of being the only idiot in my team who still has to rely on Flash every 5 minutes.

  7. This champ had to be/ will be a pain in the ass to balance.

  8. Kayn Champion Spotlight
    Passive is basically gnar tanky and small but strong
    q is basically a yasuo’s e q
    w is a smaller version of sion’s q
    e is a talon parkour with heal and goes through a wall instead of over
    r is a zed ult without pop and he jumps out

  9. I don’t know why – but I hate this guy’s visual design and concept. He looks like an OC from the depths of DeviantArt. “He is just so super cool and dark, and he has black hair and black clothes, and has two different color eyes, and highlights in his hair. Also, his weapon is a scythe because they’re unbeatable. Also, he has a demon inside of him so he has demon powers when he gets mad.” I mean, seriously.


  11. Trumps worst enemy.

  12. i smoke weed Bra

    “hes extremely hard to kill”
    Thanks riot.

  13. So would you make a video that tells us how to kill him??

  14. Kayn is the perfect mexican


  16. “Does they enemy team have a lot of squishy carries you can bust burst? If so go assassin” (kills an adc)
    “Or if they have big bruisers and your team is lacking crowd control, consider choose the darkin slayer” (kills an adc)

  17. I can deal with another edge lord as long as they still release a champ like bard or Ivern every once and a while

  18. Is this a joke? Edgy shadow character named a variation of Cain? This is a teenagers first fanfic character.

  19. Just can’t help but make a champ with % hp/true damage, an invulnerability, a dash, cc, and some magical way to get through walls can you Riot? Every new champ has to have most, if not all of those characteristics, don’t they?

  20. Kayne is not op, just new.

    1. His passive is like Aatrox W, nothing insane
    2. His Q doesn’t have that much range so it’s not like he can escape. Also, if you Q toward an enemy, you automatically commit to a fight.
    3. W is a slow, bruiser mode is better imo but I can see the appeal of movement outside of your W
    4. His E is actually pretty nice. One of the two things this champion really shines with. Ganks will be great and you can escape pretty easily. He’s still targetable, so he can’t just leave a fight that easily. Definitely his best ability.
    5. His ultimate is decent. Zed ultimate but with the ability to choose where to pop up. Like his Q, you commit once you do this so you have to be cautious for a J4 ult or Galio etc.

    Overall, he’s probably better as a jungler for now. His main combo is W into Q or Q into W but if you do that, your committed with no way out so good luck. His ult is great for aiming squishies and initiating fights but once you ult the carry, be ready for all hell to unleash upon you; his Q has shit range, so remember to have a way out with your E (if your opponents don’t cc lock you when you exit your ult first). Honestly, I really think he isn’t as op as people think, they’re just freaking out over his E which isn’t that op when you think about it. If he’s top lane, ping missing and no one should die to him. If he’s jung, be weary and stay close to tower or ward, you know, common sense shit. CC should honestly kill him considering his Q range is ass, so get to him before he can E out. His abilities are a little underwhelming for me to be honest, I really hoped he would be a great laner but his passive just takes too long to build into that bruiser state where as your opponent could have smashed lane by now and made you irrelevant. Just my 2 cents on the champion. He’s not op, just really interesting with his E ability.

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