IT’S TIME TO DECEIT MY FRIENDS! – Deceit 2 (9 Player Fun)

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Use my Epic Games Creator Code *H2ODelirious*

Friends in video:

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🎵 Outro song by SpacemanChaos:

#H2ODelirious #Delirious


  1. I’m glad someone finally explained what the heck is going on in this game

  2. Ricardo olivares

    Og delirious fans skipping through him explaining how the game goes

  3. Bringing back to the deceit 1❤

  4. We gotta love Delirious iconic laugh

  5. The Game Master thanks you for playing his little game!🐰

  6. Default Channel Name

    Delirious you should play Shaolin vs Wutang its such a good fighting game

  7. No freaking WAYYYYYY

  8. I was just talking about how much I missed this game yesterday and boom delirious made a video about it today. What luck.

  9. YESSSSS ive been askiing you to play this again for years, you only have one vid of the first one 🙁

  10. @H2ODelirious Deceit come out the second chapter?!!

  11. I’m happy to see dead squirrel and gorillaphant back in it

  12. So awesome

  13. BeeZee The Protogen

    “Back in my day.”

  14. 10:41 is funny asf

  15. So the Texas chainsaw is coming out on xbox and I’m excited cause. I don’t have a random link it paired with you

  16. I need more of this so bad

  17. *patiently waits for next video

    Love you forever Del 🙏

  18. Alex’s laugh always gets me. 😂

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