I FOUND THE MIMIC MASK! (Lethal Company) Pt. 31

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Thumbnail by: @MaximumPanic

#H2ODelirious #Delirious


  1. Do all the fire exits have the middle finger cursor when you open it? If not then I think that’s how you know which fire exit will kill you

  2. tragic comedy..

  3. that mask was just like scp 035

  4. I heard this Tip from somebody i know about the Nutcracker it has 3 stages #1 friendly where it will just march around #2 scanning where it will pop it eye out of its shell when it lifts the head to search for threats #3 evil where it just starts blasting at you and your crew. You can kill it but only when its eye pops out you gotta hit it with a shovel try it next time you can steal its shotgun when you kill it it has 4 shots 2 in the barrel and 2 spare

  5. 14:23 you can see one of the tells of the mimic door there. The cursor was a middle finger.

  6. The mask of Tragedy (called Melpomene in the theater world, which comes from the era of Greek theater, after the Goddess of the same name) and the other mask, the mask of comedy (which is also named after the Greek Goddess Talia ) are very interesting and troll masks. They pretend to be normal trash to collect and sell but they are possessed and people who get trapped and possessed by one of these two masks are called Masked. The Comedy mask takes approximately 10 seconds to possess you, while the Tragedy mask only takes 2 seconds and apparently according to the game’s Wiki, an encounter with them can happen like this:

    The masked ones have three spawning methods:
    Players who have the Dramatic Masks in hand will be possessed and transformed into a masked person, although the time it takes for the possession to activate may vary.
    Please note that masks can be imposed on a player if they are holding them.
    Players killed during their transformation will not revive.
    Players who are killed by other masked players will transform into masked players.
    If a player dies with a mask in his inventory, he will become a Masked One.
    Exclusively on Rend and Titan, Masked can appear randomly in the same manner as other enemies.

    The Masked Man will often mimic the player’s behavior (such as peeking around corners, looking around, and spinning around as if asking for a warp). He can also develop strategies to try to possess you and he can use the teleporter, go outside the buildings and pretend as best as possible that he is one of yours.

  7. This game is literally what you get when SCP puts its facilities on different planets.

  8. I’ve noticed the fake exits have little hints to give it away. One is instead of the hand sign popping up to open the door it’s a middle finger. Another is the light being orange instead of the normal red. There might be other variations though.

  9. I love this group so much they are my childhood i remember watching the hide and seek videos i love those videos they always make my day happy just watching h20 makes me happy Delirious Army For Life yall are my childhood yall keep making amazing videos🐻💙

  10. I wonder if someone Bonks Someone with the mask on the mask will fall and they’ll come back to life

  11. Lmao they def gonna delete the spray paint now

  12. i think you can know if the exit door is fake when:
    it’s orange
    the hand icon isnt like the normal door
    the text isn’t like the normal door

  13. Toonz looks like he’s got panties on his face.

  14. Adding the scps in this game is so good

  15. My man Kyle gave the middle finger then hit the griddy😂

  16. I’m happy they put the scp mask in the game

  17. They actually added the mask and christmas update on the exact time of my birthday i even streamed it loll

  18. If the exit door has a middle finger on it it’s bad. Do not go through that way.

  19. @jorginhocraycray7450

    this game takes a lot of inspiration from scp, thats pretty cool

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