How To Refund Starfield Because The Pronouns Upset You (The Jimquisition)

Woke SJW Liberal Wokeism Woke Woke Woke! A rational and logical look at the horror that is pronouns in a videogame’s drop-down menu!

Music at 7:35 The Stupendium (They/Them)
The Data Stream | Cyberpunk 2077 Song feat.
#Starfield #Woke #Bethesda #Pronouns #Politics #Gamers #Satire #Trans #JimSterling #jimquisition #StephanieSterling #Games #Gaming


  1. Clifton Church for POTUS

    I will say that I was highly disappointed with how EA handled SimCity (2016) so much, the only EA games I bought was the PopCap games Humble Bundle that came out just slightly after EA’s acquisition of the company. And on that one, they had a slider that decided how much went to charity and how much was for the developer, and I absolutely moved that slider to 100% charity.

  2. Commenting to increase engagement, but keep up the good work ❤

  3. It’s amazing how trivial the experience of picking a pronoun actually is in the game. I mean, we all know it’s a bad faith nonsense talking point, but …. picking this one to fight about really avoids any possible credibility.

  4. JohnathanFallSeasonGuy

    Makes you wonder if these guy played ANY previous Bethesda game, Fallout 4, 3, Hell, Skyrim even? :/

  5. There was a clip that suggests the solution to “The Gamers” issue with voluntary and non-mandatory pronoun choices in games…

    …ask them how they are affected when someone else othen than them or theirs is called by the pronouns of their choice…

    …wait for them to say “I don’t know…”

    …then watch the green gloppy slime cascade upon their heads…

    …thank you, “You Can’t Do That On Television”!

  6. A Ghost Without a Past

    Baldur’s Gate 3 lets you do the same and even put a penis on a female character, no screaming about that though from these people.

  7. The stupendium outro tune is really fitting here

  8. Imho, they not angry because it affect their game one way or the other. They are upset because it is there so people who want to use it can use it.

  9. They call ‘woke’/normal people snowflakes yet the second something pronouns appear, they go apart like they got hit with point blank TNT.

  10. oh my god they put neopronouns on the screen at one point that’s fucking mental

  11. The screaming thumb doesn’t deserve those cool looking Insecticon figures on the shelf behind him. I hate it when shitheads happen to like things I also like.

  12. I have played a whole bunch of games with a gay romance option. Didn’t even realize until years after. So now I am retroactively outraged. 😊

  13. Hearing a brit calling someone a wanker feels satisfying to me, in any context 😂

  14. JohnathanFallSeasonGuy

    6:06 you forgot “Snowflake” 🙂

  15. I just hate double standards so much, I wish people were consistent.

  16. The most controversial comment about Starfield comes from Todd Howard. He said that the game has been optimized for PCs and if you have poor framerate, you need to get a better computer.

  17. Biggest heel move of 2023. No second balloon 😮

  18. Is Steph a MST3K fan? Ahahahah I think I saw that Puma Man clip (as well as Body Care and Grooming).

    Great video.

  19. I’m woke as fuck! I’ve been devastated by the mind virus for decades! Funny thing is… I feel so much better for not being an inhuman cunt.

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