DUELISTS // Official Launch Cinematic Trailer – VALORANT

The fight’s just getting started.
VALORANT, the 5v5 character-based tactical shooter from Riot Games is free to download and play right now.

Original composition by: 2WEI feat. Ali Christenhusz
Produced by: 2WEI
Video created in partnership with Blur Studio



  1. Can we just appreciate the animators holy shit

  2. Reloading after shooting one bullet. Classic.

  3. Valorant : Jett can’t shoot her weapons for a second or two after dashing, to prevent overly aggressive plays.
    Valorant Cinematic : Yeah, but what if she could?

  4. 1:08 reloads after shooting one bullet.

  5. 0:02 I thought they were ganna bump Sandstorm remix or something. I really like the voice actor and actresses on this!

  6. Phoenix: Sorry I don’t speak kpop

  7. – Are you certain?
    – 100! I got this…
    *the rest of the team*:
    – Alright, clutch or kick

  8. Trailer : *Jett jumps through the roof*

    Game : *puts invisible wall*

  9. Phoenix: “I said STOWP”

    *Vine Flashbacks*

  10. Most riot cinematics have been like that lately

  11. I love how he smirks after he says: “I got this”.

  12. koga the thousand hands

    Because they literally hand draw particles.

  13. Greta Thunfisch11

    hey, could smb tell me the name of the song at 1:59? 🙂

  14. I want more animations like this so bad! There’s something so nice about seeing a cartoon or a storyline that goes along with a game. I hope this continues and we see other characters like Viper.

  15. i want a option for jett to speak Korean.

  16. 1:24 The stylized game title intro and the music gave me goosebumps

  17. Hold angle
    Get awped

    Why not

  18. Yes! That is what happened!

  19. this would already make a good TV show, i can sense it

  20. @YouTube Account gtfo then

  21. @Rafallooko “repeat for 13 rounds”

  22. Carl Lunden r/youngpeopleyoutube

  23. 90% of my teammates during the beta

  24. Its a very comicy style

  25. alex just clicks

    the text popups remind me of kill la kill

  26. @zaggyzombie r/agroupofintellectuals

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