Don’t Even JOKE About Easy Modes In Dark Souls! (The Jimquisition)

The terrible topic of easy modes in Dark Souls rears its vile head once more. It’s not my fault, though! I’ve learned that the topic is so touchy, you can’t even joke about it. Not without some ludicrous consequences.

#DarkSouls #Twitter #Controversy #Harassment #FromSoftware #Jimquisition #JimSterling #JamesStephanieSterling #Games #Gaming #Videogames #Gamers


  1. Honestly games with such beautiful world design and art should have easy modes SIMPLY to admire the world/art more.
    Hell a mode where you just literally explore, making it a walking simulator would be awesome.

  2. I have been debating about picking up Elden Ring but the From Software fandom is too much of a cult for my taste.

  3. Eh. What if dogs had wings?

  4. Steph is right of course that people are toxic and it mostly comes from the git gud crowd. However, they also pick out perfectly reasonable comments that were not toxic at all.

  5. Twitter may not die but in a year, everyone will wish it had. I quit, not in protest or because I think it will hurt Elon or twitter, of course it won’t. Why wait to abandon a sinking ship until the water is up to your nose? Only people who ever benefited from twitter were those who profited from it, endorsements, exposure, etc. Show me an average user that says they feel better after logging in to twitter and I will show you a liar.

  6. Wait, so was it a joke or was it just you stating your actual opinion that you very well know is controversial, and then doing the “Schrodinger’s Douchebag” of “It was just a joke haha relax can’t you take a joke?”

  7. But if Dark Souls had an easy mode, how could I be a smug, obnoxious gatekeeper about it?!

    /s for the impaired

  8. TFW you realize the ‘but I paid my loans, they should have to pay them, too’ generation also plays video games, apparently.

  9. Discourse around “fandoms” is NEVER not excruciating.

  10. It will eventually end. When this generations of Gamers(tm) gets old and grey. The young look up from their neural net games, listen for 10 seconds, and roll their eyes, because nobody cares about that really ancient game the oldsters keep whining about.

  11. Simple thought processes reveal how basic this topic really is. Games have had multiple difficulty settings for DECADES. This is not new. Also, some games have had only hard-mode, also for DECADES (some old 80s-90s era side scroller games come to mind as being stupidly hard). Different strokes, you know…
    I game for fun, so those difficult games simply son’t get my money. If From Software wanted more money and more exposure, they would make their games more approachable to all. They don’t care, obviously, and that’s their call. They just won’t get my money. Simple as that.

  12. The sooner we all accept that any social media, whether its owned by an autistic guy that everybody starts calling fascist or buy some corporate tools, is just a digital insane asylum for all the people desperately clinging for some relevance, the better.

  13. How about something like an easy mode armor/weapon combo? It can be designed to look like a chicken suit, and like, a nerf sword/gun or something. That way all the people who derive self worth from beating a difficult game they put countless hours of their lives getting good at, can continue to have something they can hang their hats on. And all of the adults can just enjoy the story. Win/win.

  14. I just found a “casual” mode in Etrian Odyssey last night and I’m having the most intense inner debate about it.
    Destroy me, comment section.

  15. The hypocrisy of gamers saying “respect the artist’s vision.”

  16. I’m of the mind that FromSoft games shouldn’t have an easy mode if that’s what they want (which they do). It’s a choice to bring everyone to the same brutal level of difficulty and I feel if there was an easy mode there, a lot more people would drop the difficulty in a moment of frustration. FromSoft games fill a niche and tbf, they don’t need to make their difficulty accessible to everyone, though accessibility options so more people can physically play the game are good.

    Definitely not something to scream at people who want an easy mode for though. It’s a simple discourse and matter of opinion, I personally wouldn’t want them to have an easy mode, given how that could impact my (and many, many others) playthroughs by dropping the difficulty in a moment of frustration and then feeling a little hollow for doing so.

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