Destiny 2: Tour of the New Social Space “The Farm” – IGN First

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Bungie’s Ryan Ebenger takes us on a tour of the new social space in Destiny 2 called The Farm.

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  1. вligнтed ѕpiriт

    This game is definitely going to be very good, Bungie has listened to the community and fixed everything wrong with D1.

  2. Fool me once Destiny shame on you, fool me twice….
    A fool man can’t get fooled again.

    Haha but anyway screw Destiny and their shitty financial strategy.


  4. Dude doesn’t even sound excited and he’s representing the game

  5. Fc_Internazionale

    I played Destiny 1 like crazy but i have a hard time getting excited for this one, Am i alone feeling this way?

  6. Was really hoping for a shooting range where you come to for weapons testing when you’re trying to clear out inventory.

  7. this game has flying figet spinners

  8. No chance in hell i’m buying this game. Fool me once.

  9. Im going to play it on my $4000 PC because I am a real gamer

  10. #NotMyCryptarch

  11. Can one sound even less enthusiastic about this? Jeez…

  12. Michael Woffindin

    Is that it? I was expecting more.

    I thought it would be a 30 minute/1 hour podcast or something, explaning the lore behind the Farm with some Developer commentary about the design choices.

  13. I have seen more information from a dead fish the enthusiasm is astounding how can I get hyped over this??

  14. kingofkings1stfs

    I enjoyed the first one but after awhile I threw in the towel. I was hoping the sequel would be the game we were promised years ago…..this doesn’t appear to be it. I’ll wait for part 3

  15. Angelo Tabayoyon

    The destiny community is one of the saltiest communities I’ve ever seen. Half you people act like 5 year olds who didn’t get what they wanted for Christmas. “Is this it” give me a damn break fellas the games not even out yet. If you don’t like what you see cancel your pre-order and play a different game, or stay playing the first one. No one is forcing you to get this game.

  16. WoW! The social space is a farm?! People complained the last starter area was small but now lets make it smaller and shittier. Go Devs!

  17. I am kind of shocked at how little content a company like Bungie manages to put out. 750 employees with ungodly amount of revenue. Sadly the gaming community rewards garbage. Contrast this with the amount of content a company like Grinding Gear creates with Path of Exile. It’s embarrassing really.

  18. It seems to me like this is just a reskin if D1. Almost like they could of released this version in 2014 but chose to release the other version.

  19. fool me once…

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