Death & Taxes (The Jimquisition)

Another normal one today! We chat about Euro Truck Simulator vaccinating itself against controversy, we say goodbye to the FCC chairman that nobody liked, and we discuss Activision making money thanks to a global pandemic.

Now I am going to brace for impact. No reason.

Also, Floridus Snake.


  1. Congratulations, Jim! Good on you for being brave enough to share your true self with the world.

  2. The part that throws me off is the idea that you have hair. At this point, I just assumed the top hat WAS your hair.

  3. Nerdenstein's Monster

    I am a random internet stranger who is very proud of you for being able to live the truth of who you are.

  4. Whenever I see another non-binary person with a name that’s a fun gender combo like ours, I start internally screaming “SAME HAT! SAME HAT!” Truly overjoyed for you and sending you so much love! I wish you every happiness. 🙂

  5. Vaccines are good, actually.

  6. I feel as though the people defending billionaires because “we just don’t work as hard as they do” don’t quite understand just how much money this is. For reference, the average American neurosurgeon, the highest paid specialist doctor, would need to work for just over 279 thousand years to reach the net worth of Elon Musk. I personally don’t think that Elon works 279 thousand times harder than any doctor or nurse

  7. Jim Stephanie Sterling. I’m genuinely absolutely happy you’re being yourself in all your non binary finery! I hope everyone openly accept you for who you are. You sound a bit happier and free. Thank God for you.

  8. James Stephanie Sterling. Keep being you. And never stop.

  9. Me: Bezos makes only two grand an hour? That doesn’t sound right.
    Correction on screen: *a second
    Me: now that is fucked up, but it does finally sound right.

  10. Side note, I really miss the cornflakes humunculous

  11. Man, woman, betwixt or between, I stan Sterling.

  12. Honestly with all the anger and nonsense you’ve had to put up with for the last few weeks hearing you honestly say that you’re happy almost made me cheer out loud. Thank God for you.

  13. So wait, Femme Sterling is basically Jim Sterling with a red wig?
    And you’re worried that might be too much for your fans?
    Like, the fans who’ve seen your pro wrestling kit? Your plague doctor kit? Your Cornflakes Homunculus kit?
    I mean shit, a red wig? That’s the most mainstream you’ve been in years. Everybody loves gingers. Practically a sell-out.
    Now your obsession with Pogs and Bogglins…THAT we may need to talk about. 😉

  14. Synchronized Elbow

    “I’m fucking happy.”

    In this day and age, one could be so lucky to find that. I’m elated that you have finally found yours.
    Thank God for you, Jim-Steph.

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